Completely agree with your proposal Taco. Why help LieHub create revenue by getting additional viewers for them and because of viewers, ads and revenue. As time goes on LieHubs behavior will be their own indictment.
Liehub was run by fraud and defamation convicts Matt Brown and Bob Zumbrunnen, felons who aid and abet organizations and people enabling nefarious activities which are detrimental to companies like our KMAG. Liehub is now run by the same type of people and is partially owned by Knight Securities, one of the most corrupt, manipulative MM's in the business. Bottom line, they're dishonest and stealing monies from small investors.
Like you, I have completely stopped posting on LieHub for the past five weeks. Virtually all the posters with any honesty, credibility and quality of character are already here. I'll take this group and let LieHub have all the SOD's, Homeworks, Janice Shells, Peggy's, Think or Swims and Nitwits. I see no use in reading or being around soul less people of that ilk. Life is too short to be that miserable.
Happy Holidays to all on KMAG's IHang board!!!!!
All in my opinion.