All Stock Alerts 12/20 - 12/21 | 186 Alerts on 31 stocks
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Promoted Stocks in alphabetical order
Stock: ABBY - 3 Alert(s)
Loss today: -13.64% | First Trade: 0.22 - Last Trade: 0.19 | Low: 0.185 - High: 0.22 | Trades: 9 | Volume: 2813$
Stock: BBLU - 1 Alert(s)
Gain today: 15% | First Trade: 1 - Last Trade: 1.15 | Low: 1 - High: 1.2 | Trades: 14 | Volume: 67796$
Stock: CNCT - 3 Alert(s)
Gain today: 0% | First Trade: 0.025 - Last Trade: 0.025 | Low: 0.025 - High: 0.029 | Trades: 6 | Volume: 1095$
Stock: DIRV - 22 Alert(s)
Gain today: 4.76% | First Trade: 0.0105 - Last Trade: 0.011 | Low: 0.0095 - High: 0.011 | Trades: 40 | Volume: 16718$
Stock: DOLV - 1 Alert(s)
Gain today: 86.33% | First Trade: 0.0139 - Last Trade: 0.0259 | Low: 0.0139 - High: 0.0259 | Trades: 2 | Volume: 260$
Stock: DRAG - 23 Alert(s)
Loss today: -64.5% | First Trade: 0.0169 - Last Trade: 0.006 | Low: 0.005 - High: 0.0169 | Trades: 96 | Volume: 113665$
Stock: DROP - 6 Alert(s)
Loss today: -0.52% | First Trade: 0.191 - Last Trade: 0.19 | Low: 0.184 - High: 0.1945 | Trades: 55 | Volume: 108415$
Stock: EKNL - 9 Alert(s)
Loss today: -4.76% | First Trade: 0.42 - Last Trade: 0.4 | Low: 0.4 - High: 0.42 | Trades: 5 | Volume: 1515$
Stock: FARE - 10 Alert(s)
Loss today: -10.08% | First Trade: 0.12 - Last Trade: 0.1079 | Low: 0.085 - High: 0.123 | Trades: 198 | Volume: 1523300$
Stock: FIMA - 3 Alert(s)
Gain today: 8.33% | First Trade: 0.006 - Last Trade: 0.0065 | Low: 0.006 - High: 0.008 | Trades: 8 | Volume: 1249$
Stock: FLUX - 2 Alert(s)
Loss today: -22.86% | First Trade: 1.75 - Last Trade: 1.35 | Low: 1.01 - High: 1.75 | Trades: 15 | Volume: 22201$
Stock: FTTN - 1 Alert(s)
Loss today: -4.46% | First Trade: 1.57 - Last Trade: 1.5 | Low: 1.47 - High: 1.6 | Trades: 16 | Volume: 36331$
Stock: GMEC - 6 Alert(s)
Gain today: 11.43% | First Trade: 0.07 - Last Trade: 0.078 | Low: 0.06 - High: 0.08 | Trades: 12 | Volume: 5107$
Stock: GSAG - 3 Alert(s)
Gain today: 25% | First Trade: 0.008 - Last Trade: 0.01 | Low: 0.0075 - High: 0.01 | Trades: 37 | Volume: 32076$
Stock: GYST - 7 Alert(s)
Gain today: 12.82% | First Trade: 0.0039 - Last Trade: 0.0044 | Low: 0.0035 - High: 0.0045 | Trades: 38 | Volume: 31035$
Stock: LVVV - 10 Alert(s)
Loss today: -12.59% | First Trade: 0.27 - Last Trade: 0.236 | Low: 0.2 - High: 0.27 | Trades: 96 | Volume: 647166$
Stock: MDIN - 1 Alert(s)
Gain today: 9.68% | First Trade: 0.0031 - Last Trade: 0.0034 | Low: 0.0031 - High: 0.0037 | Trades: 52 | Volume: 49318$
Stock: MIMV - 1 Alert(s)
Loss today: -1.72% | First Trade: 0.29 - Last Trade: 0.285 | Low: 0.285 - High: 0.298 | Trades: 34 | Volume: 82751$
Stock: MJNA - 1 Alert(s)
Gain today: 0% | First Trade: 0.104 - Last Trade: 0.104 | Low: 0.0995 - High: 0.104 | Trades: 129 | Volume: 357456$
Stock: MSVS - 1 Alert(s)
Loss today: -4.44% | First Trade: 0.0045 - Last Trade: 0.0043 | Low: 0.0039 - High: 0.0045 | Trades: 37 | Volume: 21210$
Stock: NWTR - 4 Alert(s)
Loss today: -4.35% | First Trade: 0.69 - Last Trade: 0.66 | Low: 0.63 - High: 0.69 | Trades: 16 | Volume: 65793$
Stock: OBJE - 1 Alert(s)
Loss today: -6.25% | First Trade: 1.6 - Last Trade: 1.5 | Low: 1.5 - High: 1.6 | Trades: 15 | Volume: 18271$
Stock: OCZ - 2 Alert(s)
Loss today: -1.44% | First Trade: 2.08 - Last Trade: 2.05 | Low: 1.97 - High: 2.13 | Trades: 426 | Volume: 7769035$
Stock: PSID - 5 Alert(s)
Gain today: 0% | First Trade: 0.0187 - Last Trade: 0.0187 | Low: 0.0186 - High: 0.022 | Trades: 79 | Volume: 100375$
Stock: RNCH - 3 Alert(s)
Loss today: -29.41% | First Trade: 0.034 - Last Trade: 0.024 | Low: 0.0205 - High: 0.049 | Trades: 158 | Volume: 532772$
Stock: SHOM - 6 Alert(s)
Loss today: -2.63% | First Trade: 0.0038 - Last Trade: 0.0037 | Low: 0.003 - High: 0.0038 | Trades: 11 | Volume: 5452$
Stock: SNTL - 1 Alert(s)
Gain today: 2.88% | First Trade: 0.17 - Last Trade: 0.1749 | Low: 0.1475 - High: 0.175 | Trades: 32 | Volume: 31035$
Stock: USGT - 8 Alert(s)
Gain today: 4.66% | First Trade: 0.601 - Last Trade: 0.629 | Low: 0.59 - High: 0.635 | Trades: 101 | Volume: 238341$
Stock: VGPR - 27 Alert(s)
Gain today: 22.22% | First Trade: 0.0009 - Last Trade: 0.0011 | Low: 0.0009 - High: 0.0015 | Trades: 83 | Volume: 89173$
Stock: XCHC - 14 Alert(s)
Gain today: 4.82% | First Trade: 0.114 - Last Trade: 0.1195 | Low: 0.105 - High: 0.12 | Trades: 82 | Volume: 171736$
Stock: XSNX - 1 Alert(s)
Gain today: 2.94% | First Trade: 0.0102 - Last Trade: 0.0105 | Low: 0.0102 - High: 0.0117 | Trades: 34 | Volume: 12026$