The pain is "exquisitely excruciating".Not for me but for the kids.Their father,Ron worked for an excavating co.and was in a steamroller when the ground gave way under him and the roller tipped and threw him off and landed on top of him.He was given up for dead but I wouldn't let the hospital pull plugs and his own family fought me.He is back to work but he has more steel in him than the Portsmouth Naval Shipyard.Blind in one eye and legally blind in the other now.
He has been laid off for the winter from his part time employer and his wife(Louann) had a stroke 10 days ago.They can't get help from the state or the town because they still "make too much".(I guess making more than $100/week with a family of 5 is considered "wealthy".
Put a towel on your head ,or a "Burkha"over your face and they will buy you a car,pay your mortgage and fund your business with 5 years of tax breaks so you can bring your family over from overseas and they can continue the tax breaks working the "business".
Sick,isn't it?