Posted On: 12/25/2016 7:50:54 PM
Post# of 65629
Member States’ contributions to the
U.N. regular budget for the year 2015
Contributions by Member States to the United Nations
regular budget for the year 2015
(United States dollars)
Amount charged against the credit of
the United States of America for 2015:
$57,794,726 = 22 % of budget assessments
Member State Scale of
assessments for 2015
(percentage) Gross contributions for 2015
Credit from staff assessment Net contributions
Afghanistan 0.005 148 813 13 135 135 678
Albania 0.010 297 627 26 270 271 357
Algeria 0.137 4 077 487 359 904 3 717 583
Andorra 0.008 238 101 21 016 217 085
Angola 0.010 297 627 26 270 271 357
Antigua and Barbuda 0.002 59 525 5 254 54 271
Argentina 0.432 12 857 477 1 134 878 11 722 599
Armenia 0.007 208 339 18 389 189 950
Australia 2.074 61 727 796 5 448 467 56 279 329
Austria 0.798 23 750 618 2 096 372 21 654 246
Azerbaijan 0.040 1 190 507 105 081 1 085 426
Bahamas 0.017 505 965 44 660 461 305
Bahrain 0.039 1 160 744 102 454 1 058 290
Bangladesh 0.010 297 627 26 270 271 357
Barbados 0.008 238 101 21 016 217 085
Belarus 0.056 1 666 710 147 114 1 519 596
Belgium 0.998 29 703 154 2 621 779 27 081 375
Belize 0.001 29 763 2 627 27 136
Benin 0.003 89 288 7 881 81 407
Bhutan 0.001 29 763 2 627 27 136
Bolivia (Plurinational State of) 0.009 267 864 23 643 244 221
Bosnia and Herzegovina 0.017 505 965 44 660 461 305
Botswana 0.017 505 965 44 660 461 305
Brazil 2.934 87 323 700 7 707 715 79 615 985
Brunei Darussalam 0.026 773 830 68 303 705 527
Bulgaria 0.047 1 398 846 123 471 1 275 375
Burkina Faso 0.003 89 288 7 881 81 407
Burundi 0.001 29 763 2 627 27 136
Cabo Verde 0.001 29 763 2 627 27 136
Cambodia 0.004 119 051 10 508 108 543
Cameroon 0.012 357 152 31 524 325 628
Canada 2.984 88 811 834 7 839 067 80 972 767
Central African Republic 0.001 29 763 2 627 27 136
Chad 0.002 59 525 5 254 54 271
Chile 0.334 9 940 735 877 429 9 063 306
China 5.148 153 218 271 13 523 966 139 694 305
Colombia 0.259 7 708 534 680 402 7 028 132
Comoros 0.001 29 763 2 627 27 136
Congo 0.005 148 813 13 135 135 678
Costa Rica 0.038 1 130 982 99 827 1 031 155
Côte d’Ivoire 0.011 327 389 28 897 298 492
Croatia 0.126 3 750 097 331 006 3 419 091
Cuba 0.069 2 053 625 181 265 1 872 360
Cyprus 0.047 1 398 846 123 471 1 275 375
Czech Republic 0.386 11 488 394 1 014 035 10 474 359
Democratic People’s Republic of Korea 0.006 178 576 15 762 162 814
Democratic Republic of the Congo 0.003 89 288 7 881 81 407
Denmark 0.675 20 089 808 1 773 247 18 316 561
Djibouti 0.001 29 763 2 627 27 136
Dominica 0.001 29 763 2 627 27 136
Dominican Republic 0.045 1 339 320 118 217 1 221 103
Ecuador 0.044 1 309 558 115 590 1 193 968
Egypt 0.134 3 988 199 352 023 3 636 176
El Salvador 0.016 476 203 42 033 434 170
Equatorial Guinea 0.010 297 627 26 270 271 357
Eritrea 0.001 29 763 2 627 27 136
Estonia 0.040 1 190 507 105 081 1 085 426
Ethiopia 0.010 297 627 26 270 271 357
Fiji 0.003 89 288 7 881 81 407
Finland 0.519 15 446 830 1 363 430 14 083 400
France 5.593 166 462 664 14 692 996 151 769 668
Gabon 0.020 595 254 52 541 542 713
Gambia 0.001 29 763 2 627 27 136
Georgia 0.007 208 339 18 389 189 950
Germany 7.141 212 535 291 18 759 643 193 775 648
Ghana 0.014 416 677 36 779 379 898
Greece 0.638 18 988 589 1 676 047 17 312 542
Grenada 0.001 29 763 2 627 27 136
Guatemala 0.027 803 592 70 930 732 662
Guinea 0.001 29 763 2 627 27 136
Guinea-Bissau 0.001 29 763 2 627 27 136
Guyana 0.001 29 763 2 627 27 136
Haiti 0.003 89 288 7 881 81 407
Honduras 0.008 238 101 21 016 217 085
Hungary 0.266 7 916 873 698 791 7 218 082
Iceland 0.027 803 592 70 930 732 662
India 0.666 19 821 944 1 749 604 18 072 340
Indonesia 0.346 10 297 887 908 953 9 388 934
Iran (Islamic Republic of) 0.356 10 595 514 935 224 9 660 290
Iraq 0.068 2 023 862 178 638 1 845 224
Ireland 0.418 12 440 800 1 098 100 11 342 700
Israel 0.396 11 786 021 1 040 305 10 745 716
Italy 4.448 132 384 396 11 685 043 120 699 353
Jamaica 0.011 327 389 28 897 298 492
Japan 10.833 322 419 102 28 458 648 293 960 454
Jordan 0.022 654 779 57 795 596 984
Kazakhstan 0.121 3 601 284 317 871 3 283 413
Kenya 0.013 386 915 34 152 352 763
Kiribati 0.001 29 763 2 627 27 136
Kuwait 0.273 8 125 211 717 180 7 408 031
Kyrgyzstan 0.002 59 525 5 254 54 271
Lao People’s Democratic Republic 0.002 59 525 5 254 54 271
Latvia 0.047 1 398 846 123 471 1 275 375
Lebanon 0.042 1 250 032 110 335 1 139 697
Lesotho 0.001 29 763 2 627 27 136
Liberia 0.001 29 763 2 627 27 136
Libya 0.142 4 226 300 373 039 3 853 261
Liechtenstein 0.009 267 864 23 643 244 221
Lithuania 0.073 2 172 675 191 773 1 980 902
Luxembourg 0.081 2 410 777 212 790 2 197 987
Madagascar 0.003 89 288 7 881 81 407
Malawi 0.002 59 525 5 254 54 271
Malaysia 0.281 8 363 313 738 196 7 625 117
Maldives 0.001 29 763 2 627 27 136
Mali 0.004 119 051 10 508 108 543
Malta 0.016 476 203 42 033 434 170
Marshall Islands 0.001 29 763 2 627 27 136
Mauritania 0.002 59 525 5 254 54 271
Mauritius 0.013 386 915 34 152 352 763
Mexico 1.842 54 822 855 4 838 995 49 983 860
Micronesia (Federated States of) 0.001 29 763 2 627 27 136
Monaco 0.012 357 152 31 524 325 628
Mongolia 0.003 89 288 7 881 81 407
Montenegro 0.005 148 813 13 135 135 678
Morocco 0.062 1 845 286 162 876 1 682 410
Mozambique 0.003 89 288 7 881 81 407
Myanmar 0.010 297 627 26 270 271 357
Namibia 0.010 297 627 26 270 271 357
Nauru 0.001 29 763 2 627 27 136
Nepal 0.006 178 576 15 762 162 814
Netherlands 1.654 49 227 471 4 345 113 44 882 358
New Zealand 0.253 7 529 958 664 639 6 865 319
Nicaragua 0.003 89 288 7 881 81 407
Niger 0.002 59 525 5 254 54 271
Nigeria 0.090 2 678 641 236 433 2 442 208
Norway 0.851 25 328 040 2 235 605 23 092 435
Oman 0.102 3 035 793 267 957 2 767 836
Pakistan 0.085 2 529 828 223 298 2 306 530
Palau 0.001 29 763 2 627 27 136
Panama 0.026 773 830 68 303 705 527
Papua New Guinea 0.004 119 051 10 508 108 543
Paraguay 0.010 297 627 26 270 271 357
Peru 0.117 3 482 233 307 363 3 174 870
Philippines 0.154 4 583 452 404 563 4 178 889
Poland 0.921 27 411 427 2 419 497 24 991 930
Portugal 0.474 14 107 510 1 245 214 12 862 296
Qatar 0.209 6 220 400 549 050 5 671 350
Republic of Korea 1.994 59 346 782 5 238 304 54 108 478
Republic of Moldova 0.003 89 288 7 881 81 407
Romania 0.226 6 726 365 593 710 6 132 655
Russian Federation 2.438 72 561 411 6 404 707 66 156 704
Rwanda 0.002 59 525 5 254 54 271
Saint Kitts and Nevis 0.001 29 763 2 627 27 136
Saint Lucia 0.001 29 763 2 627 27 136
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 0.001 29 763 2 627 27 136
Samoa 0.001 29 763 2 627 27 136
San Marino 0.003 89 288 7 881 81 407
Sao Tome and Principe 0.001 29 763 2 627 27 136
Saudi Arabia 0.864 25 714 955 2 269 757 23 445 198
Senegal 0.006 178 576 15 762 162 814
Serbia 0.040 1 190 507 105 081 1 085 426
Seychelles 0.001 29 763 2 627 27 136
Sierra Leone 0.001 29 763 2 627 27 136
Singapore 0.384 11 428 869 1 008 781 10 420 088
Slovakia 0.171 5 089 418 449 223 4 640 195
Slovenia 0.100 2 976 268 262 703 2 713 565
Solomon Islands 0.001 29 763 2 627 27 136
Somalia 0.001 29 763 2 627 27 136
South Africa 0.372 11 071 717 977 256 10 094 461
South Sudan 0.004 119 051 10 508 108 543
Spain 2.973 88 484 445 7 810 169 80 674 276
Sri Lanka 0.025 744 067 65 676 678 391
Sudan 0.010 297 627 26 270 271 357
Suriname 0.004 119 051 10 508 108 543
Swaziland 0.003 89 288 7 881 81 407
Sweden 0.960 28 572 172 2 521 952 26 050 220
Switzerland 1.047 31 161 525 2 750 504 28 411 021
Syrian Arab Republic 0.036 1 071 456 94 573 976 883
Tajikistan 0.003 89 288 7 881 81 407
Thailand 0.239 7 113 280 627 861 6 485 419
The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 0.008 238 101 21 016 217 085
Timor-Leste 0.002 59 525 5 254 54 271
Togo 0.001 29 763 2 627 27 136
Tonga 0.001 29 763 2 627 27 136
Trinidad and Tobago 0.044 1 309 558 115 590 1 193 968
Tunisia 0.036 1 071 456 94 573 976 883
Turkey 1.328 39 524 838 3 488 700 36 036 138
Turkmenistan 0.019 565 491 49 914 515 577
Tuvalu 0.001 29 763 2 627 27 136
Uganda 0.006 178 576 15 762 162 814
Ukraine 0.099 2 946 505 260 076 2 686 429
United Arab Emirates 0.595 17 708 794 1 563 085 16 145 709
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 5.179 154 140 914 13 605 404 140 535 510
United Republic of Tanzania 0.009 267 864 23 643 244 221
United States of America 22.000 654 778 938 –a 654 778 938
Uruguay 0.052 1 547 659 136 606 1 411 053
Uzbekistan 0.015 446 440 39 406 407 034
Vanuatu 0.001 29 763 2 627 27 136
Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) 0.627 18 661 200 1 647 150 17 014 050
Viet Nam 0.042 1 250 032 110 335 1 139 697
Yemen 0.010 297 627 26 270 271 357
Zambia 0.006 178 576 15 762 162 814
Zimbabwe 0.002 59 525 5 254 54 271
Total 100.000 2 976 267 900 204 908 574 2 771 359 326
U.N. regular budget for the year 2015
Contributions by Member States to the United Nations
regular budget for the year 2015
(United States dollars)
Amount charged against the credit of
the United States of America for 2015:
$57,794,726 = 22 % of budget assessments
Member State Scale of
assessments for 2015
(percentage) Gross contributions for 2015
Credit from staff assessment Net contributions
Afghanistan 0.005 148 813 13 135 135 678
Albania 0.010 297 627 26 270 271 357
Algeria 0.137 4 077 487 359 904 3 717 583
Andorra 0.008 238 101 21 016 217 085
Angola 0.010 297 627 26 270 271 357
Antigua and Barbuda 0.002 59 525 5 254 54 271
Argentina 0.432 12 857 477 1 134 878 11 722 599
Armenia 0.007 208 339 18 389 189 950
Australia 2.074 61 727 796 5 448 467 56 279 329
Austria 0.798 23 750 618 2 096 372 21 654 246
Azerbaijan 0.040 1 190 507 105 081 1 085 426
Bahamas 0.017 505 965 44 660 461 305
Bahrain 0.039 1 160 744 102 454 1 058 290
Bangladesh 0.010 297 627 26 270 271 357
Barbados 0.008 238 101 21 016 217 085
Belarus 0.056 1 666 710 147 114 1 519 596
Belgium 0.998 29 703 154 2 621 779 27 081 375
Belize 0.001 29 763 2 627 27 136
Benin 0.003 89 288 7 881 81 407
Bhutan 0.001 29 763 2 627 27 136
Bolivia (Plurinational State of) 0.009 267 864 23 643 244 221
Bosnia and Herzegovina 0.017 505 965 44 660 461 305
Botswana 0.017 505 965 44 660 461 305
Brazil 2.934 87 323 700 7 707 715 79 615 985
Brunei Darussalam 0.026 773 830 68 303 705 527
Bulgaria 0.047 1 398 846 123 471 1 275 375
Burkina Faso 0.003 89 288 7 881 81 407
Burundi 0.001 29 763 2 627 27 136
Cabo Verde 0.001 29 763 2 627 27 136
Cambodia 0.004 119 051 10 508 108 543
Cameroon 0.012 357 152 31 524 325 628
Canada 2.984 88 811 834 7 839 067 80 972 767
Central African Republic 0.001 29 763 2 627 27 136
Chad 0.002 59 525 5 254 54 271
Chile 0.334 9 940 735 877 429 9 063 306
China 5.148 153 218 271 13 523 966 139 694 305
Colombia 0.259 7 708 534 680 402 7 028 132
Comoros 0.001 29 763 2 627 27 136
Congo 0.005 148 813 13 135 135 678
Costa Rica 0.038 1 130 982 99 827 1 031 155
Côte d’Ivoire 0.011 327 389 28 897 298 492
Croatia 0.126 3 750 097 331 006 3 419 091
Cuba 0.069 2 053 625 181 265 1 872 360
Cyprus 0.047 1 398 846 123 471 1 275 375
Czech Republic 0.386 11 488 394 1 014 035 10 474 359
Democratic People’s Republic of Korea 0.006 178 576 15 762 162 814
Democratic Republic of the Congo 0.003 89 288 7 881 81 407
Denmark 0.675 20 089 808 1 773 247 18 316 561
Djibouti 0.001 29 763 2 627 27 136
Dominica 0.001 29 763 2 627 27 136
Dominican Republic 0.045 1 339 320 118 217 1 221 103
Ecuador 0.044 1 309 558 115 590 1 193 968
Egypt 0.134 3 988 199 352 023 3 636 176
El Salvador 0.016 476 203 42 033 434 170
Equatorial Guinea 0.010 297 627 26 270 271 357
Eritrea 0.001 29 763 2 627 27 136
Estonia 0.040 1 190 507 105 081 1 085 426
Ethiopia 0.010 297 627 26 270 271 357
Fiji 0.003 89 288 7 881 81 407
Finland 0.519 15 446 830 1 363 430 14 083 400
France 5.593 166 462 664 14 692 996 151 769 668
Gabon 0.020 595 254 52 541 542 713
Gambia 0.001 29 763 2 627 27 136
Georgia 0.007 208 339 18 389 189 950
Germany 7.141 212 535 291 18 759 643 193 775 648
Ghana 0.014 416 677 36 779 379 898
Greece 0.638 18 988 589 1 676 047 17 312 542
Grenada 0.001 29 763 2 627 27 136
Guatemala 0.027 803 592 70 930 732 662
Guinea 0.001 29 763 2 627 27 136
Guinea-Bissau 0.001 29 763 2 627 27 136
Guyana 0.001 29 763 2 627 27 136
Haiti 0.003 89 288 7 881 81 407
Honduras 0.008 238 101 21 016 217 085
Hungary 0.266 7 916 873 698 791 7 218 082
Iceland 0.027 803 592 70 930 732 662
India 0.666 19 821 944 1 749 604 18 072 340
Indonesia 0.346 10 297 887 908 953 9 388 934
Iran (Islamic Republic of) 0.356 10 595 514 935 224 9 660 290
Iraq 0.068 2 023 862 178 638 1 845 224
Ireland 0.418 12 440 800 1 098 100 11 342 700
Israel 0.396 11 786 021 1 040 305 10 745 716
Italy 4.448 132 384 396 11 685 043 120 699 353
Jamaica 0.011 327 389 28 897 298 492
Japan 10.833 322 419 102 28 458 648 293 960 454
Jordan 0.022 654 779 57 795 596 984
Kazakhstan 0.121 3 601 284 317 871 3 283 413
Kenya 0.013 386 915 34 152 352 763
Kiribati 0.001 29 763 2 627 27 136
Kuwait 0.273 8 125 211 717 180 7 408 031
Kyrgyzstan 0.002 59 525 5 254 54 271
Lao People’s Democratic Republic 0.002 59 525 5 254 54 271
Latvia 0.047 1 398 846 123 471 1 275 375
Lebanon 0.042 1 250 032 110 335 1 139 697
Lesotho 0.001 29 763 2 627 27 136
Liberia 0.001 29 763 2 627 27 136
Libya 0.142 4 226 300 373 039 3 853 261
Liechtenstein 0.009 267 864 23 643 244 221
Lithuania 0.073 2 172 675 191 773 1 980 902
Luxembourg 0.081 2 410 777 212 790 2 197 987
Madagascar 0.003 89 288 7 881 81 407
Malawi 0.002 59 525 5 254 54 271
Malaysia 0.281 8 363 313 738 196 7 625 117
Maldives 0.001 29 763 2 627 27 136
Mali 0.004 119 051 10 508 108 543
Malta 0.016 476 203 42 033 434 170
Marshall Islands 0.001 29 763 2 627 27 136
Mauritania 0.002 59 525 5 254 54 271
Mauritius 0.013 386 915 34 152 352 763
Mexico 1.842 54 822 855 4 838 995 49 983 860
Micronesia (Federated States of) 0.001 29 763 2 627 27 136
Monaco 0.012 357 152 31 524 325 628
Mongolia 0.003 89 288 7 881 81 407
Montenegro 0.005 148 813 13 135 135 678
Morocco 0.062 1 845 286 162 876 1 682 410
Mozambique 0.003 89 288 7 881 81 407
Myanmar 0.010 297 627 26 270 271 357
Namibia 0.010 297 627 26 270 271 357
Nauru 0.001 29 763 2 627 27 136
Nepal 0.006 178 576 15 762 162 814
Netherlands 1.654 49 227 471 4 345 113 44 882 358
New Zealand 0.253 7 529 958 664 639 6 865 319
Nicaragua 0.003 89 288 7 881 81 407
Niger 0.002 59 525 5 254 54 271
Nigeria 0.090 2 678 641 236 433 2 442 208
Norway 0.851 25 328 040 2 235 605 23 092 435
Oman 0.102 3 035 793 267 957 2 767 836
Pakistan 0.085 2 529 828 223 298 2 306 530
Palau 0.001 29 763 2 627 27 136
Panama 0.026 773 830 68 303 705 527
Papua New Guinea 0.004 119 051 10 508 108 543
Paraguay 0.010 297 627 26 270 271 357
Peru 0.117 3 482 233 307 363 3 174 870
Philippines 0.154 4 583 452 404 563 4 178 889
Poland 0.921 27 411 427 2 419 497 24 991 930
Portugal 0.474 14 107 510 1 245 214 12 862 296
Qatar 0.209 6 220 400 549 050 5 671 350
Republic of Korea 1.994 59 346 782 5 238 304 54 108 478
Republic of Moldova 0.003 89 288 7 881 81 407
Romania 0.226 6 726 365 593 710 6 132 655
Russian Federation 2.438 72 561 411 6 404 707 66 156 704
Rwanda 0.002 59 525 5 254 54 271
Saint Kitts and Nevis 0.001 29 763 2 627 27 136
Saint Lucia 0.001 29 763 2 627 27 136
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 0.001 29 763 2 627 27 136
Samoa 0.001 29 763 2 627 27 136
San Marino 0.003 89 288 7 881 81 407
Sao Tome and Principe 0.001 29 763 2 627 27 136
Saudi Arabia 0.864 25 714 955 2 269 757 23 445 198
Senegal 0.006 178 576 15 762 162 814
Serbia 0.040 1 190 507 105 081 1 085 426
Seychelles 0.001 29 763 2 627 27 136
Sierra Leone 0.001 29 763 2 627 27 136
Singapore 0.384 11 428 869 1 008 781 10 420 088
Slovakia 0.171 5 089 418 449 223 4 640 195
Slovenia 0.100 2 976 268 262 703 2 713 565
Solomon Islands 0.001 29 763 2 627 27 136
Somalia 0.001 29 763 2 627 27 136
South Africa 0.372 11 071 717 977 256 10 094 461
South Sudan 0.004 119 051 10 508 108 543
Spain 2.973 88 484 445 7 810 169 80 674 276
Sri Lanka 0.025 744 067 65 676 678 391
Sudan 0.010 297 627 26 270 271 357
Suriname 0.004 119 051 10 508 108 543
Swaziland 0.003 89 288 7 881 81 407
Sweden 0.960 28 572 172 2 521 952 26 050 220
Switzerland 1.047 31 161 525 2 750 504 28 411 021
Syrian Arab Republic 0.036 1 071 456 94 573 976 883
Tajikistan 0.003 89 288 7 881 81 407
Thailand 0.239 7 113 280 627 861 6 485 419
The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 0.008 238 101 21 016 217 085
Timor-Leste 0.002 59 525 5 254 54 271
Togo 0.001 29 763 2 627 27 136
Tonga 0.001 29 763 2 627 27 136
Trinidad and Tobago 0.044 1 309 558 115 590 1 193 968
Tunisia 0.036 1 071 456 94 573 976 883
Turkey 1.328 39 524 838 3 488 700 36 036 138
Turkmenistan 0.019 565 491 49 914 515 577
Tuvalu 0.001 29 763 2 627 27 136
Uganda 0.006 178 576 15 762 162 814
Ukraine 0.099 2 946 505 260 076 2 686 429
United Arab Emirates 0.595 17 708 794 1 563 085 16 145 709
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 5.179 154 140 914 13 605 404 140 535 510
United Republic of Tanzania 0.009 267 864 23 643 244 221
United States of America 22.000 654 778 938 –a 654 778 938
Uruguay 0.052 1 547 659 136 606 1 411 053
Uzbekistan 0.015 446 440 39 406 407 034
Vanuatu 0.001 29 763 2 627 27 136
Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) 0.627 18 661 200 1 647 150 17 014 050
Viet Nam 0.042 1 250 032 110 335 1 139 697
Yemen 0.010 297 627 26 270 271 357
Zambia 0.006 178 576 15 762 162 814
Zimbabwe 0.002 59 525 5 254 54 271
Total 100.000 2 976 267 900 204 908 574 2 771 359 326
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