Thanks-you obviously know your stuff-glad CWRN has had your additional input re machinery available plus ideas-and that Bob would follow up on those things-many people are too insecure to accept any input-after being idiots throughout school (where the popular thing was to be the biggest idiot-it was a competition until you get to college), once out of school people are usually magically know it all Einsteins-not realizing Einstein was wrong a lot of times-e.g rejecting quantum mechanics.
I operated a lot of heavy equipment,including huge tractors, working construction and factories during teen years and to pay my way thru college, but I'm not a mechanic and dont build them. So I for one certainly appreciate your expertise-keep it coming.
I dont think I ever got an answer to how much the new ripper bucket for cat 375 cost -did you ever find out? I know its hard to find out how much these things cost new as websites wont say. I know the two 43.5 ton cat 740 haulers would cost 800k new but dont know new price of too much of the other equipment. If the boss is mechanical, as Bob is, it pays to buy less than new most of the time and do the necessary rebuilding as you say.