NOTE-regular for prime time iron ore has 2 international benchmarks 58% and 62% with international ore as low as 50% on alibaba-china domestic ore averages only 15%- see past posted articles. CWRN's fert is the waste of the waste and is thus 55.42-55.92% iron which would be low grade iron regular ore(as waste of waste) -but is extremely high iron% for iron fert -Azomite iron fert at high prices is only 1.73%
guys if you know of longs on other boards who are not yet aware of this board let them know for I have very good reason to believe my pm's re this board are censored at basher city-where there is so much nonsense I dont even look at it regularly anymore-its like looking into the pit of hell-bold emphasis added in the following
Just in off the press.. lol