I am glad you got out as I know you trusted me when you went in and I also know those who know I am a non bullshit kind of guy no I have every good reason in the world to push them to get out.
I do know this it hurt me more to write what I knew bad about the ceo then to just say nothing.
Those who trust my integrity got out at .10 and from .02 were now I am bashed as the sell for .005.
Here is my next years list and growing now.
thecoffeewave/com long term list
Symbol Qty Purchase Price Day Gain(%) Last Gain($) Gain(%) Mkt Val
AMBS 10000 0.0045 -11.18 0.0564 519.00 1,153.33 564.00
OGNG 5000 0.03 14.29 0.24 1,050.00 700.00 1,200.00
FEGRD 50000 0.006 0.00 0.03 1,200.00 400.00 1,500.00
FEGR 200000 0.0003 0.00 0.0004 20.00 33.33 80.00
EXPU 100000 0.0012 -12.50 0.0014 20.00 16.67 140.00
SPMI 25000 0.015 -10.81 0.0165 37.50 10.00 412.50
SANT 10000 0.005 11.11 0.004 -10.00 -20.00 40.00
VSPC 10000 0.0138 0.00 0.011 -28.00 -20.29 110.00
PHIL 1000 1.99 0.00 1.50 -490.00 -24.62 1,500.00