Posted On: 12/09/2016 12:00:48 PM
Post# of 22463

The one thing I don't agree with management on is the timing of the RS announcement as I feel we would've been at .20 by now with the momentum we were gaining off the Kisco PR just days prior to the chaos that's unfolded regarding the "what ifs" created with the proxy. However one must wonder the method behind the madness, as I think this is simply preparation for what they know is coming. Let's be patient and see how it unfolds. Jamis has countinued to do amazing work gather up total shares we all hold and if Jan-Feb comes around and we need to unite and all be on the same page with the same vote or same requests for changes to the final proxy I think that the board will LISTEN TO US! They read these posts, they know how we feel, and if they don't, then they will when they see how united we are and how many shareholders are proposing the same thing. After Jamis finishes the final tally we will see if we are 51% or more and if we are all it takes is us standing together IF NEED BE! However I think there is a lot of over reaction still at this point and we all need to just calm down.

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