Building on that last post...
I wonder what percentage of the nation's plastic waste is generated during the holiday season. I bet it is substantial.
Perhaps a campaign next Christmas which would suggest different types of holiday plastic garbage that could be collected by individuals and then either dropped off at collection centers or specially handled by existing recycling collection trucks would make sense.
Plastic hangars, all that hard-to-open plastic that so many things are shipped in (you know, the ones that require an exacto knife to open), plastic dinner ware, old holiday lights (if JBII can process raggertail they can process strands of lights, right?) and ornaments etc. All of this stuff falls into the category of plastic that is perfect for JBII because it is not currently recycled.
People would feel good doing it in the spirit of the season and in the spirit of cleaning up the environment and providing an alternative source for fuel right at home.
Just a thought.