John Bordynuik was interviewed on 11/27/12 by Green Local 175, the Utica College affiliated organization that provided the video of Jim Zecca from Madison County talking about the partnership with JBI.
11/27/12 Radio & Internet Show 7 to 9 pm
Green Local 175 LIVE is an environment and sustainable economic development focused broadcast. It can be heard every Tuesday night from 7 to 9 p.m. and Sunday morning from 9 to 11 a.m. on WPNR 90.7 FM and also streamed live via the Internet here So that means you can listen to the show whether you live in Rome, New York or Rome, Italy. Please help us to spread the word to your relatives, friends, and colleagues , wherever they may be.
From 7 to 8 p.m. our guest is John Bordynuik is Founder and Chief of Technology at JBI, Inc. As the inventor of Plastic2Oil® (P2O®), a proprietary process for turning waste plastic into ultra-clean, ultra-low sulphur fuel, Mr. Bordynuik is responsible for process design, research & development, and P2O technological advancements at JBI.
John Bordynuik's vision of creating a solution to the plastic waste challenges currently faced by global municipalities and businesses was inspired during his employment at the Ontario Legislature in the 1990s when the Ontario Government passed legislation favoring the use of plastic over glass for the soft drink industry.
Thinking forward, Bordynuik saw a burgeoning problem: there was no viable alternative, other than local landfills, for this new plastic waste stream. Bordynuik was familiar with pyrolysis, however, he was also aware that the results of pyrolysis processes had typically been unpredictable, with low conversion rates and low-quality outputs. With this is mind, Mr. Bordynuik set out to design a process that could overcome the barriers associated with traditional pyrolysis technologies.
Through innovative engineering and the use of a proprietary catalyst, Bordynuik successfully overcame these barriers and has invented a patent-pending process called Plastic2Oil® (P2O®), which converts unsorted, unwashed waste plastic into ultra-clean, ultra-low sulphur fuel that does not require further refining.