Clearly you just don't get it. The people who support the company of SMB's are shareholders. They admit it. They don't try to hide the fact that they are long the stock. They are straightforward about that fact and the reason they want the company to be a success and that they want the stock price to rise. So if they spend hours per day on a SMB I can understand why. They tell me why.
What about the bashers? What do they say of their motives? The vast, vast majority hide their motive. If you question the motive of a basher on iflub your post is deleted in a split second as "off topic." That is complete bullshit. The motive of any poster should be fair game for inquiry. There may be a few who claim to being bashers in an effort to help their fellow man. Yeah, right. If you believe that you are as full of bs as a Christmas goose. The truth is that they are short the stock, are paid by somebody else to bash, or have some other financial motive. A very small number may just be nut cases who need someone else to feed and dress them, but the vast majority bash to make money.