Mina Mar is a financial group out of Canada that most here think is responsible for KMAG being suspended. Mina Mar claimed they had a contract to do a promotion for KMAG, a claim vehemently denied in a PR by Jeff Reid. The retribution from Mina Mar for Jeffs denying they had a contract is that they lobbied the SEC with regard to inaccurate PR's and we are in the Grey Market because of them. A real swell group of individuals with a reputation of illegal market activities.
You will see them called various names like Mini Maggot, Mini-Poo and other euphemistic names because Mina-Mar successfully sued for libel, another group, the convicted felons that run Ihub, aka Matt Brown and Bob Zumbrunnen even better known for their pejorative nature than Mina-Mar. Included in the lawsuit are such luminaries as Janice Shell, better known as Janass Shill. The same groups that spent the last three months slandering KMAG, prior to the release of the third quarter financials. Really special groups of people. And now just to CMA, it is all in my opinion. By the way, this is all very accessible on the Internet.