It makes far more sense for somebody long a stock to spend endless hours researching and discussing his investment than somebody with no interest.
Likewise, it makes far more sense for people in the United States to spend all day and night researching and discussing politics in their system. But what you don't see is those same people debating the elections in say Brazil, and spending day and night on chatboards discussing the politics of the country of Brazil.
Why? Because it doesn't affect us. For the most part, we don't give a crap who wins any election in the country of Brazil, and it would be very odd to be bashing day and night a political candidate running for office in Brazil. I'd have to ave a screw loose to give a crap.
For many people long a stock, it's equally bizarre why anybody would care who doesn't have a financial stake just as it doesn't make any sense why somebody would bash the canadidates running for election in Brazil.
That said, I guess if I was an unemployed pathetic loser who couldn't hold a job, I mind get a thrill out of sitting there all day on chatboards trying to piss off people on Brazillian chatboards just for kicks.