Btw although my friend was averse to dd he liked to call people-so we both independently called many penny companies to gain confidence in a co by being able to speak to the CEO. Bob was the ONLY CEO who was reachable-and there were only a couple other co' s where we were even able to reach a live person-and that was just the PR dept.
If you read my posts on dtc etc games on other board you will see Bob spent many hours looking into these matters also and responding repeatedly to the info I was giving him and then doing his own own impressive follow up-has anybody seen any other CEO do that-plus the many emails many people have received from Bob. Bob also produced the Nov 17 PR on demand in less than 24 hours without even running it throught the usual proof reader/legal dept etc.
Plus I suspect there are many things he would like to be able to say but cant because of the rules. Yes there are things he could update us on like the financials/uplisting progress IF he isnt prohibited from doing so by NDA,which I believe went into effect in December-I havent been told theres an NDA but I can connect the dots and know how things work. But keep asking him reasoned questions-focus on just 1 issue at a time.