Talked to a friend with Novartis and asked if he had looked into CTIX as I suggested. He replied that he talked to one of his co-workers in business development and he was told Novartis was aware of CTIX but insiders thought Novartis had a more effective drug already out there. He said the product supposedly cured terminal children but that it only jumped the price of their stock by less than a dollar. He then said no drug in today's environment could do much to interest investors!?? I didn't even find it worthy of telling him more as he seemed not interested.
I found his statements mind-boggling and looked into it and found Novartis has a leukemia drug on the market that is losing it's patent and they are trying to replace it with a more potent drug called Tasigna. Only for leukemia (not sure if only for children) and it supposedly does cure the condition so it does not need to be taken for life. Not positive but this is what I think he was talking about.
Anyway, comparing this to KEVETRIN and the effect on solid tumors and the scope of cancers cured is ludicrous. I don't think I will have to go back to him to show him the error in his ways as he will be quite aware of KEVETRIN / PRURISOL and what they have done for CTIX and the resulting SP increase in very short time. Too bad he didn't do his own DD on CTIX.