Posted On: 11/10/2016 6:50:40 PM
Post# of 65629
Why Clinton Lost and the rise of the Trump machine.
I am sorry if you supported Hillary. If you are upset I understand because I would feel the same exact way if Trump lost.
Many are saying why? Why did she lose? This wasn't suppose to happen.. No, No way.. Nooooooo..
Let me explain why Democrats lost before we go into why Hillary lost. As I said before I truly believe Sanders could have won and beat Trump but the DNC screwed him over.
Ok, few days later reality is setting in Trump just pulled off the biggest most doubted victory in United States Of America history. But why?
We are going to focus just on why Hillary Clinton lost.
The biggest reason is the media. Now is not the time to attack them because even they were fooled into this. Even Brian Stelter on CNN admitted they were all wrong and I respect him greatly now because of this.
The entire Clinton camp was wrong. Dead wrong starting with their internal polls. They based their polling off of 2008 and 2012. Even as late as 10/30/2016 they were calling a landslide 300+ electoral.
This is why they didn't even bother to have more rallies or even visit the state of WI.
Their first warning was the turnout of their own rallies. Barely any people there but Trump had 10's of thousands every single time and millions viewing online in Live time. If you think he had this many people there just to hear him attack Clinton or the media you were wrong again. Take a look at retweets Clinton vs Trump. Take a look at Facebook likes and comments. Take a look at YouTube videos. Take a look at Reddit (The_Donald) Trump had 100x if not 1000x more than Clintons but they all continue to ignore this massive warning.
But this gets much much deeper. You have heard of the Veritas videos right? exposing the DNC? Well, it has been proven Trump paid them a month before he even announced he was running. I found this funny because it validated my thoughts. This was all part of Trumps plan.
Now, the Trump machine began rolling before he announced.
Trump coming out attacking Mexicans I believe was not a mistake from him but a very well plan. Why? He just captured the medias attention in the snap of the finger.
He got your attention now and the media was all over it. What is Trump going to say next? The media loved it because they took him as a joke and the medias ratings were going thru the roof!
So let's speed way up here because not much changed for a long time. In recent months the media was attacking Trump. They know it, I know it. Nobody focused on policy. Just turned it into a he said she said show. Trump got you exactly where he wanted you all! Trumps internal polls were showing much much higher numbers then Hillary's. Watching those warnings like I said above Rallies,Retweets,Likes comments ect ect confirms to the Trump camp their polls were right.
Trump voters knew it was all BS. But why weren't they talking about Hillary? Nothing, no wikileaks? This was a big deal. Not much talk of it they just flipped to Trump to carry ratings and in the end this was a cause to why Hillary lost.
But why? Hillary's internal polls were wrong. Very wrong and they have even admitted this now. The media believed Clintons polls so attacking Trump would only help right? No, wrong again. They created the biggest echo chamber in modern history.
WTF is the echo chamber? Well, the final part of her losing.
If you remember Hillary's concession speech she said now you can all come out of those private groups now. Ah, what groups? Well, Those Facebook groups which were all fake created by Correct The Record paid for by Clinton. Correct the record was a large group of thousands online posters/trolls. They attacked anyone anti Hillary / pro Trump. Creating a massive illusion that Clintons polls were indeed real. In recent months I confirmed this myself by simply watching these pro Clinton people online. 80% of their accounts were new and most didn't bother to even replace their default profile picture.
So now, think back. The media didn't cover Clinton much besides to report she was leading in every single poll and they didn't even know those polls were all wrong they were getting which in the end came from Clintons internal polls all the other pollsters fed off of.
Every single time Clinton supporters went online it looked like she was going to win 99% sure according to everyone. They turned on TV and yep. She was still wining and in the end the one and only question came up to many Clinton supporters......
Do I even need.............. to vote?
Something that is not well known yet is 2 months ago there was a massive internal poll done by a private party and not funded by Trump. This poll returned 69% Trump 18% Clinton. They confirmed the Trump machine was real and a Train is about to smack everyone that was wrong right in the face.
My personal opinion about the polls is this. Some think the people running their internal polls personally didn't want her to win. I don't agree with that at all. After James O'Keefe with Project Veritas, exposed the plan for the biggest rigging in modern American history. The general election for President of The United States Of America. You can laugh all you want or disagree but it was real and it did happen on a massive scale. I believe a big part of their internal polls were counting on the rigging that was indeed in full action but the Clinton camp was not expecting the Trump Army which showed its face on Election day. I believe the Clinton camp did indeed try to rig this election by focusing on the major counties of the most important battleground states. When those rural areas all came out almost all of them were voting Trump and outweighed the fake votes. The Clinton camp was in shock and couldn't believe what was happening when the counts were coming in.
Before you attack me I want you to look at a few things first. They admit their polls was wrong. Very wrong.
Why was Debbie Wasserman's in Florida of Broward County the last to report? I believe they were waiting to see how many "more" votes they needed to take Florida. After they seen the landslide coming and he was taking all the battleground states they knew it was over and was not going to be possible. Why were only Trump supporters reporting voter fraud and showing videos of the voting machines switching their vote from Trump to Clinton? But not one single video of this switching from Clinton to Trump? Finally, Study the electoral maps. In all of these key states why were only the main counties showing a big lead for Clinton and every other county in the state was all for Trump? I heard there are videos of the Clinton camp calling these key counties in these states screaming WTF is going on. Why is this happening? Ask yourself this. Why does George Soros own all of these voting machines in 16 states and supporting Clinton paying for her campaign?
This wasn't the FBI reopening her case. This wasn't wikileaks like so many blame. She really didn't have the supporters like you all thought she had. The one and only thing to blame was the echo chamber.
The echo chamber caused by her wrong polls. They made up and Correct The Record putting the massive illusion in front of you to support the massive rig to get her in. Everyone was convinced she was going to win because her supporters were all being lied to.
If this was a fair election the popular vote would be 70% Trump 30% Clinton.
Finally, my closing note. I am no fool and I work in the tech world and program. I seen this Train coming high speed. As early as 15 months ago. I told my friends, Family, Friends everyone Trump was going to win 15 months ago and 1 hour before the first results started coming in. When those battleground States all started turning red my phone blew up with.. "Are you seeing this? Holy Crap.. You were right." and I laughed and said Trump is saying right now "Gotcha". he meant that for the media. The ones he was running against from the start. The media, The globalist, The elite. Every single one of them he got you all right in front of your face but everyone refused to see the warning.
As Micheal Moore said if Trump Wins it will be "The Biggest F**k You in Human History".
Roy Fortin
I am sorry if you supported Hillary. If you are upset I understand because I would feel the same exact way if Trump lost.
Many are saying why? Why did she lose? This wasn't suppose to happen.. No, No way.. Nooooooo..
Let me explain why Democrats lost before we go into why Hillary lost. As I said before I truly believe Sanders could have won and beat Trump but the DNC screwed him over.
Ok, few days later reality is setting in Trump just pulled off the biggest most doubted victory in United States Of America history. But why?
We are going to focus just on why Hillary Clinton lost.
The biggest reason is the media. Now is not the time to attack them because even they were fooled into this. Even Brian Stelter on CNN admitted they were all wrong and I respect him greatly now because of this.
The entire Clinton camp was wrong. Dead wrong starting with their internal polls. They based their polling off of 2008 and 2012. Even as late as 10/30/2016 they were calling a landslide 300+ electoral.
This is why they didn't even bother to have more rallies or even visit the state of WI.
Their first warning was the turnout of their own rallies. Barely any people there but Trump had 10's of thousands every single time and millions viewing online in Live time. If you think he had this many people there just to hear him attack Clinton or the media you were wrong again. Take a look at retweets Clinton vs Trump. Take a look at Facebook likes and comments. Take a look at YouTube videos. Take a look at Reddit (The_Donald) Trump had 100x if not 1000x more than Clintons but they all continue to ignore this massive warning.
But this gets much much deeper. You have heard of the Veritas videos right? exposing the DNC? Well, it has been proven Trump paid them a month before he even announced he was running. I found this funny because it validated my thoughts. This was all part of Trumps plan.
Now, the Trump machine began rolling before he announced.
Trump coming out attacking Mexicans I believe was not a mistake from him but a very well plan. Why? He just captured the medias attention in the snap of the finger.
He got your attention now and the media was all over it. What is Trump going to say next? The media loved it because they took him as a joke and the medias ratings were going thru the roof!
So let's speed way up here because not much changed for a long time. In recent months the media was attacking Trump. They know it, I know it. Nobody focused on policy. Just turned it into a he said she said show. Trump got you exactly where he wanted you all! Trumps internal polls were showing much much higher numbers then Hillary's. Watching those warnings like I said above Rallies,Retweets,Likes comments ect ect confirms to the Trump camp their polls were right.
Trump voters knew it was all BS. But why weren't they talking about Hillary? Nothing, no wikileaks? This was a big deal. Not much talk of it they just flipped to Trump to carry ratings and in the end this was a cause to why Hillary lost.
But why? Hillary's internal polls were wrong. Very wrong and they have even admitted this now. The media believed Clintons polls so attacking Trump would only help right? No, wrong again. They created the biggest echo chamber in modern history.
WTF is the echo chamber? Well, the final part of her losing.
If you remember Hillary's concession speech she said now you can all come out of those private groups now. Ah, what groups? Well, Those Facebook groups which were all fake created by Correct The Record paid for by Clinton. Correct the record was a large group of thousands online posters/trolls. They attacked anyone anti Hillary / pro Trump. Creating a massive illusion that Clintons polls were indeed real. In recent months I confirmed this myself by simply watching these pro Clinton people online. 80% of their accounts were new and most didn't bother to even replace their default profile picture.
So now, think back. The media didn't cover Clinton much besides to report she was leading in every single poll and they didn't even know those polls were all wrong they were getting which in the end came from Clintons internal polls all the other pollsters fed off of.
Every single time Clinton supporters went online it looked like she was going to win 99% sure according to everyone. They turned on TV and yep. She was still wining and in the end the one and only question came up to many Clinton supporters......
Do I even need.............. to vote?
Something that is not well known yet is 2 months ago there was a massive internal poll done by a private party and not funded by Trump. This poll returned 69% Trump 18% Clinton. They confirmed the Trump machine was real and a Train is about to smack everyone that was wrong right in the face.
My personal opinion about the polls is this. Some think the people running their internal polls personally didn't want her to win. I don't agree with that at all. After James O'Keefe with Project Veritas, exposed the plan for the biggest rigging in modern American history. The general election for President of The United States Of America. You can laugh all you want or disagree but it was real and it did happen on a massive scale. I believe a big part of their internal polls were counting on the rigging that was indeed in full action but the Clinton camp was not expecting the Trump Army which showed its face on Election day. I believe the Clinton camp did indeed try to rig this election by focusing on the major counties of the most important battleground states. When those rural areas all came out almost all of them were voting Trump and outweighed the fake votes. The Clinton camp was in shock and couldn't believe what was happening when the counts were coming in.
Before you attack me I want you to look at a few things first. They admit their polls was wrong. Very wrong.
Why was Debbie Wasserman's in Florida of Broward County the last to report? I believe they were waiting to see how many "more" votes they needed to take Florida. After they seen the landslide coming and he was taking all the battleground states they knew it was over and was not going to be possible. Why were only Trump supporters reporting voter fraud and showing videos of the voting machines switching their vote from Trump to Clinton? But not one single video of this switching from Clinton to Trump? Finally, Study the electoral maps. In all of these key states why were only the main counties showing a big lead for Clinton and every other county in the state was all for Trump? I heard there are videos of the Clinton camp calling these key counties in these states screaming WTF is going on. Why is this happening? Ask yourself this. Why does George Soros own all of these voting machines in 16 states and supporting Clinton paying for her campaign?
This wasn't the FBI reopening her case. This wasn't wikileaks like so many blame. She really didn't have the supporters like you all thought she had. The one and only thing to blame was the echo chamber.
The echo chamber caused by her wrong polls. They made up and Correct The Record putting the massive illusion in front of you to support the massive rig to get her in. Everyone was convinced she was going to win because her supporters were all being lied to.
If this was a fair election the popular vote would be 70% Trump 30% Clinton.
Finally, my closing note. I am no fool and I work in the tech world and program. I seen this Train coming high speed. As early as 15 months ago. I told my friends, Family, Friends everyone Trump was going to win 15 months ago and 1 hour before the first results started coming in. When those battleground States all started turning red my phone blew up with.. "Are you seeing this? Holy Crap.. You were right." and I laughed and said Trump is saying right now "Gotcha". he meant that for the media. The ones he was running against from the start. The media, The globalist, The elite. Every single one of them he got you all right in front of your face but everyone refused to see the warning.
As Micheal Moore said if Trump Wins it will be "The Biggest F**k You in Human History".
Roy Fortin
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