Yes, as far as the chart, the technicals are looking good. The MACD moving back to nuetral from the long bottoming formation is a good sign, as well as the TRIX(15,9) and CMF(20) turning up.
Also interesting to note was today was the lowest daily short sale volume ratio ever at only 1%, though overall volume was very low and with the PPS at only a few ticks above par value it is not very surprising that shorts do not see a very good risk/reward opportunity at the current levels.
Also informative is the Accum/Dist which still has an overall upward trend, the main reason it has been lower since the highs at the $0.004 levels is because of two major selloffs which happened very abruptly on high volume (end of first week in Nov and last week of Nov). I think the RSI does not give us a very clear picture because the volume is not consistent and is very erratic over time along with the highs and lows (chart is basically just a bunch of big red candles). I tend to dismiss the technicals during times of very low volume as we are seeing now, however the longer term (~3 month window) is looking bullish, which again, is not very surprising as the stock is now only a few ticks from par value.
From a fundamental view, I think the key in the longer term is sales and revenues which we can all discuss in the coming weeks and months but for right now IMO the key is the 10K and transparency. The quarterly reports to OTC are nice to have but they have not even pushed RFMK into "Current" reporting status with OTC markets so its not much help without disclosure. An audited 10K would bring the company current and along with some other filings the company could become fully reporting (as well as uplisted) rather easily, just takes money and effort. At $0.0015/share, the market cap is about $2.2M which means if the market is giving RFMK a rather standard PK startup multiple of about 30X earnings, then the market is only expects next years earnings to be $76,000 which seems to me to be rather ridiculous. Even if only half of their ordered unit batch is sold next year, that would be about 10,000 units sold, which means about $500,000 in earnings, which would be closer to a 1 cent stock. Go figure...
As of yesterday on OTC markets :
Shares Outstanding 1,520,113,736 a/o Dec 12, 2012
Float 1,275,028,524 a/o Dec 12, 2012
which shows us that because the restricted share count was 345M a few months ago, since then about 100M restricted shares came off restriction and flooded into the float, which could explain the those two large volume selloff days in recent weeks/months. Shareholders NEED and REQUIRE to understand the details of those kinds of transactions, which an audited 10K would offer. Mr Allinder, it has been months and months since an audited 10K filing was promised to investors. Where is it???? TIC TOC. Time is running out and basic credibility is at stake.