Posted On: 10/31/2016 8:59:06 PM
Post# of 114
marketmaker signals
Traders and market makers sometimes speak to each other in code, with different small blocks meaning different things. Im sure if you google it you will see. Usually means news is coming!
The "signals" are from one MM to another.
* 100 I need shares.
* 200 I need shares badly, but do not take the stock down.
* 300 Take the price down so I can load shares
* 400 Keep trading it sideways.
* 500 Gap the stock. This gap can be either up or down, depending on the direction of the 500 signal.
* 911 News incoming "
other code - )
bepop12345 Tuesday, 01/09/07 10:13:31 AM
Re: None
Post # 70 of 79
MM signals:
300 > bring the price down at least 30%
600 > provide resistance
900 > let the stock float.
100 > I need shares
200 > I need shares badly but dont take it down to get em
300 > Take the price down to get shares....
400 > Trade it sideways based on Supply and Demand
500 > Gap one way or the other, usually to the direction
of the 500 trade. Sometimes -if in the middle -keep the price right where it is.
and some more terms for ya.....
24/7 = Availible or Open 24 hours a day and 7 days a week.
8 ) or : ) or ; ) or <{:^) = Smile Face = Happy
)))))) = Very happy
8( = Sad Face = Sad
AFACT= As far as I can tell.
AFAIK= As far as I know.
AFK ( afk ) = Away From Keyboard
ASCII = An acronym for "American Standard Code for Information Interchange", used to assign English characters into numbers.
ASK ( ask ) = Current Price A Stock May Be Readily Bought For.
Bagger, (one, double, triple, quad or more ) = how many times the price of a stock has multiplied since the purchase.
BB = Bulletin Board:
BBIAB = Be Back In A Bit.
BBIAM = Be Back In A Minute.
BBL ( bbl ) = Be Back Later
Bear = A person who thinks a stock or markets will go lower.
Bearish = Looking for a stock or market to go lower.
BID ( bid ) = Price posted that a Market Maker will pay for stock.
BOX ( box ) = Computer
BRB ( brb ) = Be Right Back
BTW = By the way
Bull = A person who thinks a stock or markets are going higher.
Bullish = Looking for a stock or the markets to go Higher.
BW = Business Wire ( News Service )
CEO = Chief Executive Officer
CFO = Chief Financial Officer
CIO = Chief Information Officer
COO = Chief Operating Officer
CYA ( cya ) = See Ya
CUL8R = See you later.
DCC = Start a chat or send a file.
DD ( dd ) = Due Diligence
Double(r) = Stock that's price has doubled since a given time.
DT ( dt ) = Down Tick in the price of a stock, Price is falling. Our DayTrading.
Due Diligence = Research the fundamentals of a stock.
DH = Day High
DL = Day Low
DYODD = Do your own due diligence.
E2EG = Ear-to-ear grin.
EOD ( eod ) = End Of Day
EOM ( eom ) = End Of Month or End of Message
ERR ( err ) = Growl or getting mad.
FAQ = Frequently asked questions.
Fire = Stock that is hot, rising fast.
Front Running = People own the stock then promote it while selling.
FS = Forward Split
FWIW = For what it's worth.
FYI = For your information.
G = Grin
GAL = Get a life.
Gapper, Gapping, Gapolla, GAPPA = Stock that moves from its previous closing price before the market opens.
GMTA = Great minds think alike.
GTG = Got To Go.
GUI = Graphical User Interface ( What you see when using software )
Head Fake = Stock Price heading up or down contrary to ones opinion.
HOD = High Of Day
HTH = Hope this helps. or Hope that helps.
IMHO ( imho ) = In My Honest Opinion, In My Humble Opinion
IMO ( imo ) = In My Opinion
IOW = In other words.
IPO = Initial Public Offering.
IRC = Internet Relay Chat ( Network for live chat )
IRL = In real life.
IT = Information Technology.
L8TR ( l8tr ) = Later ( Like see ya later )
LAGGED, LAGG ( lagged ) = Long delay between sending and recieving data over the Internet.
LMAO = Laughing My A$$ Off
LOL ( lol ) = Laugh Out Loud
MB = Message Board.
MIRC = Internet Chat Program.
MM ( mm ) = Market Maker ( the folks who handle the trades of stocks )
MOMO = Momentum stock, lots of interest and buyers for hours days or weeks.
NASDAQ = National Association of Securities Dealers.
NEWBEE ( newbee, newbe ) = New user of Internet and or computer.
NICK ( nick ) = Name used by people ( Individual ) on the Internet.
NQB = National Quotations Bureau.
NYSE = New York Stock Exchange
OEM ( oem ) = Original Equipment Manufacturer
OFFER ( offer ) = Current Price A Stock May Be Readily Bought For. What a Market Maker is willing to pay for a stock or other issue.
OMG = Oh My God
OT = Off Topic, used on message boards when the post is not on the threads subject..
OTCBB = Over The Counter Bulletin Board.
PD (pd and p&d ) = Pump and Dump
PIC ( pic ) = Picture
Pink Sheet = Stocks quoted by the NQB.
PM = Private Message
POINT ( point ) = Dollar or Stick
PPL ( ppl ) = People
PRN = PRNewswire ( News Service )
Pump and Dump = Front running, people own the stock then promote it while selling.
Reloading = To Buy Again or to enter in the order for a buy or sell in the browser window but not yet hitting the send button so as to be prepared for news or movement.
ROFL ( rofl ) = Rolling On Floor Laughing
ROFLMAO = Rolling on floor laughing my a** off
RS = Reverse Split
SAD = Short Against Delivery
SBPO = Small Business Public Offering
SCALP (S) ( scalp ) = A quick trade for an 1/16 or more.
SI ( si ) = Silicon Investor
SNRK = Under breath Laugh
SOES = Small order execution system.
Spread = The difference between the offer and the bid. The difference between the price a Market Maker is willing to buy a security and the price at which a Market Maker is willing to sell it.
STICK ( stick ) = One point or dollar.
Tank, Tanking = Stock thats price is falling.
Teenie = 1/16th
Thread = A series of messages on a message board or other means that generaly have the same topic.
TICK ( tick ) = Can mean the last movement in a issues price ( up tick or down tick ) Also a market indicator. As a market indicator quote systems keep track of the up ticks and down ticks of stocks through out the day. The tick shown will be the difference between the up ticks and down ticks for that day so far. A positive number means there have been that many more up ticks than down and a negative number means the opposite.
TRIN ( trin ) = A market indicator used in technical analysis, calculated as follows: TRIN = ((number of advancing issues divided by number of declining issues) divided by (Total up volume divided by Total down volume)). A value of less than 1 is bullish, greater than 1 bearish. also called Arms Index.
TTFN = Ta Ta For Now ( UK Folks ? )
TTYL = Talk to you latter.
TTYS = Talk to you soon.
UT ( ut ) = Up tick in the price of a stock, Price moved up.
URL ( url ) = Uniform Resource Locater, Internet address of a web page
marketmaker signals
Traders and market makers sometimes speak to each other in code, with different small blocks meaning different things. Im sure if you google it you will see. Usually means news is coming!
The "signals" are from one MM to another.
* 100 I need shares.
* 200 I need shares badly, but do not take the stock down.
* 300 Take the price down so I can load shares
* 400 Keep trading it sideways.
* 500 Gap the stock. This gap can be either up or down, depending on the direction of the 500 signal.
* 911 News incoming "
other code - )
bepop12345 Tuesday, 01/09/07 10:13:31 AM
Re: None
Post # 70 of 79
MM signals:
300 > bring the price down at least 30%
600 > provide resistance
900 > let the stock float.
100 > I need shares
200 > I need shares badly but dont take it down to get em
300 > Take the price down to get shares....
400 > Trade it sideways based on Supply and Demand
500 > Gap one way or the other, usually to the direction
of the 500 trade. Sometimes -if in the middle -keep the price right where it is.
and some more terms for ya.....
24/7 = Availible or Open 24 hours a day and 7 days a week.
8 ) or : ) or ; ) or <{:^) = Smile Face = Happy
)))))) = Very happy
8( = Sad Face = Sad
AFACT= As far as I can tell.
AFAIK= As far as I know.
AFK ( afk ) = Away From Keyboard
ASCII = An acronym for "American Standard Code for Information Interchange", used to assign English characters into numbers.
ASK ( ask ) = Current Price A Stock May Be Readily Bought For.
Bagger, (one, double, triple, quad or more ) = how many times the price of a stock has multiplied since the purchase.
BB = Bulletin Board:
BBIAB = Be Back In A Bit.
BBIAM = Be Back In A Minute.
BBL ( bbl ) = Be Back Later
Bear = A person who thinks a stock or markets will go lower.
Bearish = Looking for a stock or market to go lower.
BID ( bid ) = Price posted that a Market Maker will pay for stock.
BOX ( box ) = Computer
BRB ( brb ) = Be Right Back
BTW = By the way
Bull = A person who thinks a stock or markets are going higher.
Bullish = Looking for a stock or the markets to go Higher.
BW = Business Wire ( News Service )
CEO = Chief Executive Officer
CFO = Chief Financial Officer
CIO = Chief Information Officer
COO = Chief Operating Officer
CYA ( cya ) = See Ya
CUL8R = See you later.
DCC = Start a chat or send a file.
DD ( dd ) = Due Diligence
Double(r) = Stock that's price has doubled since a given time.
DT ( dt ) = Down Tick in the price of a stock, Price is falling. Our DayTrading.
Due Diligence = Research the fundamentals of a stock.
DH = Day High
DL = Day Low
DYODD = Do your own due diligence.
E2EG = Ear-to-ear grin.
EOD ( eod ) = End Of Day
EOM ( eom ) = End Of Month or End of Message
ERR ( err ) = Growl or getting mad.
FAQ = Frequently asked questions.
Fire = Stock that is hot, rising fast.
Front Running = People own the stock then promote it while selling.
FS = Forward Split
FWIW = For what it's worth.
FYI = For your information.
G = Grin
GAL = Get a life.
Gapper, Gapping, Gapolla, GAPPA = Stock that moves from its previous closing price before the market opens.
GMTA = Great minds think alike.
GTG = Got To Go.
GUI = Graphical User Interface ( What you see when using software )
Head Fake = Stock Price heading up or down contrary to ones opinion.
HOD = High Of Day
HTH = Hope this helps. or Hope that helps.
IMHO ( imho ) = In My Honest Opinion, In My Humble Opinion
IMO ( imo ) = In My Opinion
IOW = In other words.
IPO = Initial Public Offering.
IRC = Internet Relay Chat ( Network for live chat )
IRL = In real life.
IT = Information Technology.
L8TR ( l8tr ) = Later ( Like see ya later )
LAGGED, LAGG ( lagged ) = Long delay between sending and recieving data over the Internet.
LMAO = Laughing My A$$ Off
LOL ( lol ) = Laugh Out Loud
MB = Message Board.
MIRC = Internet Chat Program.
MM ( mm ) = Market Maker ( the folks who handle the trades of stocks )
MOMO = Momentum stock, lots of interest and buyers for hours days or weeks.
NASDAQ = National Association of Securities Dealers.
NEWBEE ( newbee, newbe ) = New user of Internet and or computer.
NICK ( nick ) = Name used by people ( Individual ) on the Internet.
NQB = National Quotations Bureau.
NYSE = New York Stock Exchange
OEM ( oem ) = Original Equipment Manufacturer
OFFER ( offer ) = Current Price A Stock May Be Readily Bought For. What a Market Maker is willing to pay for a stock or other issue.
OMG = Oh My God
OT = Off Topic, used on message boards when the post is not on the threads subject..
OTCBB = Over The Counter Bulletin Board.
PD (pd and p&d ) = Pump and Dump
PIC ( pic ) = Picture
Pink Sheet = Stocks quoted by the NQB.
PM = Private Message
POINT ( point ) = Dollar or Stick
PPL ( ppl ) = People
PRN = PRNewswire ( News Service )
Pump and Dump = Front running, people own the stock then promote it while selling.
Reloading = To Buy Again or to enter in the order for a buy or sell in the browser window but not yet hitting the send button so as to be prepared for news or movement.
ROFL ( rofl ) = Rolling On Floor Laughing
ROFLMAO = Rolling on floor laughing my a** off
RS = Reverse Split
SAD = Short Against Delivery
SBPO = Small Business Public Offering
SCALP (S) ( scalp ) = A quick trade for an 1/16 or more.
SI ( si ) = Silicon Investor
SNRK = Under breath Laugh
SOES = Small order execution system.
Spread = The difference between the offer and the bid. The difference between the price a Market Maker is willing to buy a security and the price at which a Market Maker is willing to sell it.
STICK ( stick ) = One point or dollar.
Tank, Tanking = Stock thats price is falling.
Teenie = 1/16th
Thread = A series of messages on a message board or other means that generaly have the same topic.
TICK ( tick ) = Can mean the last movement in a issues price ( up tick or down tick ) Also a market indicator. As a market indicator quote systems keep track of the up ticks and down ticks of stocks through out the day. The tick shown will be the difference between the up ticks and down ticks for that day so far. A positive number means there have been that many more up ticks than down and a negative number means the opposite.
TRIN ( trin ) = A market indicator used in technical analysis, calculated as follows: TRIN = ((number of advancing issues divided by number of declining issues) divided by (Total up volume divided by Total down volume)). A value of less than 1 is bullish, greater than 1 bearish. also called Arms Index.
TTFN = Ta Ta For Now ( UK Folks ? )
TTYL = Talk to you latter.
TTYS = Talk to you soon.
UT ( ut ) = Up tick in the price of a stock, Price moved up.
URL ( url ) = Uniform Resource Locater, Internet address of a web page
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