I dont believe I had posted this summary of CWRN operations to date on this non basher board so I post this series of posts summarizing the same to make dd easier-including to make grajekks estimate of cost of equipment easier should he choose to accept that mission as our equipment expert.
Probable 10 million net income-and an independent source said financials would come soon -I dont know what their def of soon is -but its inaccurate(for bashers on another board) to shout fire that financials are not expected soon-most likely held up due to people asking more time,Bao NDA,or auditing recognition of revenue from the 60k tons paid for in Dec,as I've said.
Their is a lot of financial info in the PR's ,CEO's numerous posted emails and dd for those who dont automatically reject all such.
This is the most undervalued stock anybody can find on pennys due to many levels of manipulation but that means when certain catalysts come this should be a springboard like it was in Jan 2011 when it was gapping up every day and even intraday-rising up to 85%/day.
Kriton 38524/ton left Apr 2nd-price was unknown but Bob said a long time ago was more than the 155 somebody posted at the time-spot was 175-192 during that time-both 58% and 62% ore (hadnt reportedly acquired previous 68 drill hole reports yet which led to Coloso vein from whence Loreto ore and all subsequent ore came except for substantial 1-3mm already in inventory)
Loreto left Aug 7 w 36002 tons- probably 170 /ton spot
shipments 3 and 4 (ca 60 k tons total) paid for in Dec Bob said(as posted elsewhere)-1 source says for 140/ton-about right- spot was ca 140 then (now ca 148 last I knew) plus premium ore
so 134526 tons sold in 2011 for ca 155/ton average or more
-some juniors have negative cost due to premium ore (5/ton for every % over 62%) see Cohibaman's article in max dd summary so avg jr miner cost is ca 25/ton plus shipping and trucking (trucking was 9.24/ton for Loreto) 1st 2 loads shipping were ca 30/ton but the Panamax shouldnt be more than 15/ton?as per my extensive calculations posted on other board back in October
so cost of ca 65/ton or less and profit of 90/ton but to be safe I only estimated 75/ton profit times 134526 tons is $10,089,000 net income (profit) because start up costs probably raise costs and are unknown but going forward costs will fall and ancillary income streams of sub 1mm iron chips, fertilizer and industrial cement to CEMEX will kick in-eventually even Al203-Cemex byproduct is reportedly already paying most of the overhead