Invest in vaporizers: "I focus on the ancillary businesses -- the businesses that are surrounding the cannabis industry that don't actually touch cannabis and are federally legal," he says in the attached video. His contacts have included "everybody from entrepreneurs who are just interested in the sector and want to put $25,000 to $50,000 to work, all the way up to billionaires and venture capital funds that are looking to make investments." CHECK THIS OUT, IT IS HUGE FOR $RFMK! BE ON THE FRONT LINE OF HISTORY GO RFMK!...
Potential US Marijuana Market Estimated at $46 Billion
According to the number crunchers at Washington State’s Office of Financial Management, a “fully functioning marijuana market” could result in an in-state total of $1.021 billion gross sales of marijuana grams per year. Only 2.15% of the US population lives in Washington State, so extrapolated, this data could indicate, if cannabis were legalized nationally, the total US marijuana marketplace could be as big as $46.420 billion per year. That does not include ancillaries such as hydroponics or paraphernalia, or services to the dispensary industry such as landlords, testing labs, security systems, insurance, advertising, etc....