K, Rig data is something I use to track my rigs. I need to charge the proper days per well and Co-Men aren't good at paper work and don't have time to call everyone and let them know. The billing side of the oilfield is crazy. Tax Codes are differnt in every city, county, state, and country. Especially when it comes to oilfield.
The Louisiana deal is probably coming but it isn't a done deal yet. The letter of intent just states that we intend to merge the project. I'm sure LNC is small as we are and can't really afford to swing 2 mill or so without guaranteed ROI. They are estimating the total ammount of oil. BOPD isn't as important as the total amount of oil. 600 BOPD isn't shit if its only for a month. I know that isn't the case but you understand where I am going with this.
Here is where we really benefit from them covering the cost of the drilling. The equipment is very very expensive. Myself and 2 other guys started a SMALL rental tool company and our investors put 60 million. Small - 60 million. No typo. The reason I tell you this is because if anything breaks on any of that equipment then its TNC'a responsibility and not ours and we come out with the same amount of oil.
Here is another thing non oilfield people don't really understand. We shut down starting on Thanksgiving, and start rolling on January 2nd. Arstegall will disagree but he works offshore on a production platform and thats a year round deal. Our industry is 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. At the end of the year we are exhausted and try to spend a lot of time with our families. Plus most of the companies are so far in the green that additional money would go straight to uncle sam so we just push them back.