Medical Marijuana, Inc. Portfolio Company PhytoSPHERE Systems, LLC Cites Broad Applications of its 2013 Harvest of Uniquely Valuable Hemp Oil
2012-12-12 09:00 ET - News Release
SAN DIEGO, Dec. 12, 2012 /PRNewswire/ -- Medical Marijuana, Inc. (OTC: MJNA), a leading hemp industry innovator, is pleased to update its shareholders on the status of its portfolio company, PhytoSPHERE Systems, LLC and product applications for it's 2013 harvest. PhytoSPHERE is the world's leading cannabinoid based biotechnology company. Its unique self-contained hemp cultivation and hemp oil processing facilities produce superior raw ingredients for neutraceutical markets. As a result, this season's harvest of hemp oil has, for the first time, put the Company in a position to develop broadly applicable raw ingredients. In addition to providing these raw ingredients to its subsidiaries for their products, the company is preparing to distribute raw ingredients to other manufacturers for a vast array of consumer product applications. The raw CBD ingredients in our hemp oil can be formulated with or added to existing and newly developed products in foods, dietary supplements and cosmetics. The Company is working with formulators to integrate the hemp oil with a variety of generally accepted beneficial dietary ingredients to develop uniquely effective over the counter products. These products are expected to be highly sought after by health conscious consumers. The CBD market is presently in its infancy with exciting possibilities ahead. The "marijuana community" has recently embraced CBD as the next great thing in patient health and wellness—it is only a matter of time before the general populace discovers similar benefits. "We are very proud about the many innovative products using our hemp oil ingredients, that will be delivered to health conscious consumers in the coming year," says Ted Caligiuri, President/CEO of Medical Marijuana, Inc.