I do not think anyone really knows just yet exactly what it can and what it cannot vape because it just today became available to purchase for consumers and this device, even though made in China and resembles other models, is an entirely different portable vaporizer, despite what you hear on message boards which are likely just rants from the owners of other competing ecig companies. The company does not lead folks to believe certain things, it states facts, sometimes the wording can be a bit questionable so if anyone was led to believe this or that, it was they who led themselves to believe certain things IMO. I believe the company stated in PRs and/or shareholder notices that the Cumulus would vape "plant matter" but this can mean basically anything. I think the board followers all around over time perhaps got it in their head that you could throw a whole dry bud in the cartridge and vape away but that seems to me to be unrealistic. "Plant matter" can be finely ground-up bud prepared in some kind of a substrate like the "budder" material that OHM sells, etc. I am guessing that it also can vape oils and extracts but as for "plant matter", I cannot imagine any vaporizer device which you could throw a dry bulky piece of material on the heating element and pure vapor would be the result, that is ridiculous. If someone did that to the heating coil it would probably just burn the bud and there would be no vapor, the bud would over time probably get hot and maybe burn on the outside but thats about it. Think about it. To vaporize material a substrate is needed which can get hot and get hotter than the actual material you wish to vape so that the substrate "boils" off and carries with it the material into a vapor cloud. In any event, let us just be patient and wait to get some consumer reviews of the Cumulus and we will know more. Not much can really be known from the vague wording in advertising verbiage or the spew coming from "other" boards. The Cumulus is NOT an ego-T. Period.