What you haven't invested in is critical thinking. You haven't heard JB's side of the story. You have no idea what advice he was given, or by whom, that caused him to believe that the accounting method that was used was legitimate.
You have read the SEC case filing, but somehow failed to realize that the filing does not constitute proof of anything. It is allegation by the SEC based on whatever level of evidence they choose to consider as valid.
Furthermore you seem to have misplaced the concept that the document of charges has a specific purpose and that purpose is to enhance the possibility of a settlement on the SEC's terms. To that end, the SEC can, and did, include any negative presentation of information that they can twist the information they developed into. They are not required to include or acknowledge any exculpatory information that they developed during their investigations. In fact any lawyer would tell you that it would be against the SEC interests to acknowledge any information that is beneficial to JBI in any way in the case filing document.
You still have shares and think that entitles you to bitch. Informed bitching in far more welcome than the rest.