Posted On: 10/03/2016 12:01:44 PM
Post# of 154

$EXSFF MARKETS MAKE NO SENSE... 20-30million ounces of GOLD in the ground at TPW, and we’re trading at what price?? Seventeen properties of merit, of which 12 are in the Abitibi Greenstone Belt, and we’re at .09Cdn? Mind you, the markets overall are confusing to say the least. Brexit, Duetchebank, sovereign debt issues, and elections in the US, Germany & France upcoming should have driven GOLD to at least $1,450, and yet it waffles in the $1,310 neighbourhood? Logically, that makes no sense, and when investors can’t make sense of markets, the majority sit on the sidelines. In spite of that, our verbally abused CEO continues to march forward much like the ‘Energizer’ bunny. I spoke with him at lengths early this morning. First of all, he bought some stock last week, adding to his 5million share position. He also confirmed the ‘finishing touches’ are going into place to satisfy two prominent newsletter writers, who will commence coverage of EXS/EXSFF shortly. Further, he indicated his continued excitement about the drilling at Kidd. There is no stronger indicator of VMS than exhalite, and we found that in two of the four drillings done on the property north of the Kidd Mine. The Downhole IP(Induced Polarization) survey will be done as quickly as possible, and at least one hole will be re-entered, and wedged at whatever depth the survey suggests, so, I don’t think we’re quite done with this one as yet. Further, the video conference technical meeting with Teck will take place later this week. From December, 2014, until April 30, 2016, Teck spent $1.4million on analysis, and drilling. During this second phase, they’ve expressed a firm intention to spend up to $4million on drilling alone. Given their intention to ‘further’ the deposit, I would think the carefully targeted drill locations would enhance the 43-101 numbers quite substantially? Lastly, I’m still firmly convinced that various events moving forward will bring GOLD, and other precious metals back to life, and EXS/EXSFF should benefit accordingly.

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