"All the new vaporizer lines will be marketed under one new brand which will be announced shortly."
Part of the delay in official Cumulus announcement?
Still no follow up on the statements below from the PR dated Oct. 11th, 2012,
“Cheryl and I have been strategizing for 6 weeks to create a business model that can instantly build revenue into Rapid Fire Marketing. We are currently negotiating our first big contract for MCM with a well known cannabis related company. This is a perfect fit for our shared vision to build the industry’s leading Superbrand. There are a number of other businesses that are anxious to get started with us as well. We have other, established businesses that want to joint venture with us to sell their products ."
"Those deals likely to be announced this week imo!!"
I certainly hope so my friend...Go $RFMK! Go Judah, Tom, and Cheryl