as a new share holder, you are right. people have to be skeptical to why they would want to put money into something that doesn't currently fit the criteria to provide enough confidence. However, if one wants all the fundamentals to be ideal, or all the ducks lined up. perhaps they need to stay in less speculative arena and lean more towards the Nasdaq. lol. nice and safe. and 10-30.00 a share. however, that doesn't mean anything. I don't believe risk has to do with only the market climate. I believe it also has to do with how much and how well a person can do their DD. it is time consuming Andy. VERY time consuming to find 1 among many. There is a degree of DD and intuition and some common sense to allows one to make their decision. It shouldn't only be a few factors.
many trade or invest and make money by chance or luck. Many use skill and timing and even they don't always get it right. But when they do....? it makes up for the rest...
I'm in this boat along with everyone else and for the amount I have in relative to my allowance. it has far exceeded this. But I am comfortable with this decision.