Now , Now , Now , LVUS.
I have looked up Salma (not literally and she does have some extremely endearing attributes.(OY VEY!!!)
However,you are an investor and you must remain focused on the matter at hand , CTIX.Salma would indeed be a very big distraction to you! (and everybody else who has a pulse).Now we can't let you blow the "millions" you are about to make by chasing someone you either can't afford or even if you could afford,you would lose millions in the process.
We care for you , LVUS and want the "Best" for you.Remember the "Schwartz" and stay on the "Good Side"of the Schwartz.If you don't,you will certainly lose it all.(But GEEEE WIZZZZ,SHAZZZAAAMMMM!!! did you have a great time losing it!!!)
Ahem , excuse that digression.We all have our "Carnal instincts".My apologies.
Keep your focus on CTIX , my child,and continue to grow in the Schwartz.
(WHHHEEEWWWW,that was a tough one.)