CTIX will be closed Monday so that Leo can have his left ear looked at from damage caused by leaning against a Hi-Ball glass all day Friday against Dr.Shapiro's office door.
Dr.Menon can't stop laughing as he told Leo to use a stethoscope , not a glass.Dr.Shapiro was not upset as he expected Leo to get impatient and wanting news.
Dr.Shapiro , however aroused our curiosity in that there were no signs of "lunch" evidence in his office.No sandwich wraps but a "brown bag" in his wastebasket by his desk.We followed him on his lunch break and he walked down the street to a nearby TD Ameritrade office and came out 10 minutes later.We told him we were "on to him" as Leo has been doing the same thing.And , yes,Dr.Shapiro confirmed that his wife has increased his "Lunch Allowance" and he is also investing his lunch money in CTIX.
We also noticed that Dana Farber has now designated two parking spaces at the front doors.One for Leo and one for Dr.Menon.We also noticed a tightly rolled up Red Carpet by the front doors.This is a new development.
A grounds employee directed us to , once again ,check out the cafeteria.We went back and saw that they now have a sandwich called "THE CTIX SANDWICH".It is a huge Phily Steak and cheese and sells for only $1.20 each.It is called the CTIX because the price could go up to $151.53 each without notice and encourages patrons to buy as many as they can now before it's too late.