Sunny this is a big concern it is begining to have a ripple effect through more and more houses. I am in Canada and have had no problem yet with my OptionsXpress who clear through Penson Canada but don't know how long that will last. I personally believe Bob is a great hands on CEO and definitely has a mining plan and is expanding it and executing it well as the photos show with production and equipment.
In the end on the day it is a family run business and people are in positions just for a huge payday and not neccesarily for any expertise in a field. This company needs a fully qualified non related business first CFO period. Bob while seemingly adequate in his roll has shown himself to be found wanting in the area of getting the financial house in order. Unfortunately for us this is not helping our pocketbooks. How many stocks have we all seen with no production skyrocket in PPS and untimately I don't argee with how they did it via PR's and Pumpers as that does not make for a healthy overall company it does make shareholders ROI.
I am in no way trying to belittle Bob as I want the best for my investment and all concerned and am definitely a long here but this is just how I see it and just the feeling I get from his responses to emails to me in the past. Well I can only hope he does what he needs to do and stop trying to wear all the hats and Micromanage the entire project and step aside in some areas of the operation for the long term health of the stock and shareholder value.
Saying this every PR is getting sickening and doesn't boost any confidence.
"The Company has stated that it is not currently providing any Market Awareness."