Agreed. Flipping I think is best left to trading vehicles for which the trader can freely get in and out of at a whim. With only 5M, 7M or 10M shares trading on any given day in RFMK, it makes flipping a risky prospect, IMO. I flip and trade currencies daily. The AUD/JPY cross has been good for flipping and the EUR/USD offers great liquidity and movement (opportunities). I think if traders want to flip they should feel free to have at it, but at least know the risks when the investment vehicle is rather thin and illiquid. I do not think that flipping is the only viable strategy for making money in pink sheet stocks, that is a myth. Some can choose to laugh at those of us of whom choose to invest in pink sheets stocks, but they should be aware that I myself laugh at their flippings for lunch money in risky illiquid pink sheets stocks, putting their entire capital in and out of stocks they themselves think are scams. How embarrassing, how embarrassing!