Steve updates needed at PunchTv website. The top tool bar has links that take visitors to a stationary landing page that is more like a navigational placeholder than a functional page. We may have low activity with new visitors because they want to learn more about the firm, with the name change, but can not get any information. Information such as Joseph Collins' bio and the stations lineup are not visible. A full html code review and dynamic link audit needs to be done on al links, or folks will miss learning the great things many of us know.
Just an observation from an investor who believes in PNCH and has the patience to let you, Joseph, and the team do your job.
MGAZEL posted some great DD last night. If folks could read Joseph's bio, they could see his footprint is right there in California with FilmOn...The man has connections, and experience. While it is not mentioned, methinks there is a bigger connection to be shared. A fully functional website will help others make their decisions.
Thanks Steve. I believe in you and the team.