I used to take Louie to the Ocean Deck, a block from the pier, on Daytona Beach. Took him 2-3 a week. The tourists loved him. That's where he learned to be such a smoocher. Way more of a stud than I ever was.
Problem with havin' a bird that kisses is some girls would actually 'tongue' him. Birds are delicate and human saliva can be deadly to a tropical bird, given some of the 'whatnot' that humans/females carry.
Nonetheless, he was a magnet, and the sweetest babe he ever hooked me up with turned out to be his biggest 'enemy'. lol
Birds (especially spoiled ones) can be very 'territorial', and subject to extreme jealousy.
You never heard a bird screech and throw a hissie until he loses 'quality time' with his 'dad', because of a girl he kissed first!