Posted On: 08/30/2016 1:18:18 PM
Post# of 51560
Democratic Platform listed:
As Approved by
the Democratic Platform Committee
July 8-9, 2016 Orlando, FL
< Abortion on demand, no matter what, up to the birthing moment.
< Full amnesty for illegals
< Against personal gun ownership
< Climate change due to human production of CO-2
< Forbid the Keystone XL pipeline
< New exploitation of public lands & refuges for windmills
< Cradle thru college federal education programs
< Restore the Voting Rights act whole.
< Federally support every union
< Pay people who work for tips $15 an hour
< Do away with right-to-work state laws
< federal mandated 7 weeks of sick pay + 12 weeks maternity leave.
< Federally monitored profit sharing
< New federal apartment buildings - like Chicago & New York
< Stop evictions of blacks from housing.
< Increase federal backed hose ownership down payments
< Lower age for Social Security to 50-55
< Special tax for income above $200,000 for SS
< Allow conflict of interest for retirement advisors
< Add to post office: paycheck cashing & vote by mail
< Strengthen the Import-Export Bank
< Spend more on green energy while cutting clean coal
< Spend more free Wi-Fi to the public
< Create federal teen jobs program.
< Enforce Dodd-Frank
< Re enforce Federal Reserve system
< Bring home tax on foriegn profits
< Strongly monitor trade agreements from now on
< Free and open internet.
< Remove Confederate flag wherever possible
< Reform mandatory sentences & close private prisons.
< Federalize police training
< Ban criminal designation for employment application
< Abolish death penalty
< Confirm O'bama's 'dreamers act'
< Add Central America and Muslim refugees to the supported
< Expand O'bama Care
< Pass the ERA Amendment
< Build up AmeiCorps
< LGBT rights to bathrooms of choice etc etc
< Fight against strong voter ID + give felons the vote
< Statehood for DC
< Preserve the Census as is
< Expand government forms to Islanders & Asian Americans
(language & cultural sensitivity}
< Create the United States Digital Service (USDS)
< Strongly regulate fracting
< No Arctic & Atlantic coastline drilling
< Debt free college including free community colleges
< Special support for minority colleges & minority students
< Close for-profit schools
< Maximum funding for Head Start
< Federal support for public school employees
< Oppose school discipline of minorities in schools
< Stop war on drugs while expanding ( federal ) treatment
< A national federal anti suicide program
< Fully fund Planned Parenthood & unregulated abortions
< Building federal pregancy programs
< Continue Center for Disease control to study gun violence
< Support smaller agile military
< Support newest Iran nuclear agreement
< Reduce our nuclear research & improvement spending
< Increase by magnitudes world refugees.
< Try to provide abortions worldwide
< Anti torture
< Close Quantanamo Bay
< Jerusalem as capitol of Israel
< Normalize relations with Cuba
< Combat wildlife trafficking
< Wholly support United Nations.
As Approved by
the Democratic Platform Committee
July 8-9, 2016 Orlando, FL
< Abortion on demand, no matter what, up to the birthing moment.
< Full amnesty for illegals
< Against personal gun ownership
< Climate change due to human production of CO-2
< Forbid the Keystone XL pipeline
< New exploitation of public lands & refuges for windmills
< Cradle thru college federal education programs
< Restore the Voting Rights act whole.
< Federally support every union
< Pay people who work for tips $15 an hour
< Do away with right-to-work state laws
< federal mandated 7 weeks of sick pay + 12 weeks maternity leave.
< Federally monitored profit sharing
< New federal apartment buildings - like Chicago & New York
< Stop evictions of blacks from housing.
< Increase federal backed hose ownership down payments
< Lower age for Social Security to 50-55
< Special tax for income above $200,000 for SS
< Allow conflict of interest for retirement advisors
< Add to post office: paycheck cashing & vote by mail
< Strengthen the Import-Export Bank
< Spend more on green energy while cutting clean coal
< Spend more free Wi-Fi to the public
< Create federal teen jobs program.
< Enforce Dodd-Frank
< Re enforce Federal Reserve system
< Bring home tax on foriegn profits
< Strongly monitor trade agreements from now on
< Free and open internet.
< Remove Confederate flag wherever possible
< Reform mandatory sentences & close private prisons.
< Federalize police training
< Ban criminal designation for employment application
< Abolish death penalty
< Confirm O'bama's 'dreamers act'
< Add Central America and Muslim refugees to the supported
< Expand O'bama Care
< Pass the ERA Amendment
< Build up AmeiCorps
< LGBT rights to bathrooms of choice etc etc
< Fight against strong voter ID + give felons the vote
< Statehood for DC
< Preserve the Census as is
< Expand government forms to Islanders & Asian Americans
(language & cultural sensitivity}
< Create the United States Digital Service (USDS)
< Strongly regulate fracting
< No Arctic & Atlantic coastline drilling
< Debt free college including free community colleges
< Special support for minority colleges & minority students
< Close for-profit schools
< Maximum funding for Head Start
< Federal support for public school employees
< Oppose school discipline of minorities in schools
< Stop war on drugs while expanding ( federal ) treatment
< A national federal anti suicide program
< Fully fund Planned Parenthood & unregulated abortions
< Building federal pregancy programs
< Continue Center for Disease control to study gun violence
< Support smaller agile military
< Support newest Iran nuclear agreement
< Reduce our nuclear research & improvement spending
< Increase by magnitudes world refugees.
< Try to provide abortions worldwide
< Anti torture
< Close Quantanamo Bay
< Jerusalem as capitol of Israel
< Normalize relations with Cuba
< Combat wildlife trafficking
< Wholly support United Nations.

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