most of them over there have no idea what it means to develop and bring a such product to market. Medizone started 4 years ago with a totally new product. it is right that the company exists since 20 years? or more.... but important for us is the beginning of the "asepticsure-age" and it is amazing what Medizone archieved in this few years..
this naysayer do not understand that a company goes public to get money from shareholders to go on with their plans. they think medizone is on the otcbq to satisfy their dreams and that NOW!
they do not understand that they made an investment and not a trade.
they do not understand that it is a big and huge step to go from R&D to distribution in such a short period of time.
and they do not understand that the daily shareprice has nothing to do with the fundamentals behind - it has only to do with guys who do not get it and sell at the lows (you see, they are not even good traders much less investors).
and they do not understand that there are always delays and wrong decisions in each company, and specially in an upcoming company like medizone. Sometimes one has to take a decision and think it is a good one to see months later it was not. that happens to all of us in private and to every and each business man and private person. the important point is to see it and to change it - and that has happened.
and they do not understand that it is totally stupid to look at the sharepirce every single day during all the hours the market is open..
I trust the technique, the company and I am full in and still buying daily at this levels. I wait until they will archieve the goals they have planned - no matter if this is 2013 or 2015. If one does not believe in this picture anymore its better to sell and move on instead to show their frustration on a public message board to look for someone holding their hands. that is just rediculous.
I am sure that Ed Marshall is doing his best to get this all done and I am sure that Glen Balzer is working behind the scene and not sitting on his hands. I am sure that Dr. Zoutman and Dr. Shannon would not stick their necks out in this way to present something what is not working or what will not have a great future.
the other most ridiculous thing I have read on the other board, was attacking Bruce Smeaton and accuse him in different ways. imo he is doing a great job and he is only the messanger. he takes his time to explain known stuff and he is not tired to answer hundreds of emails, even he may get the same question 50 times from different shareholders. I at least am very happy to have him on this job, which he is doing great. to say he is giving out information which not everybody can have is just laughable. only because some are too lazy to write him an email they accuse him of telling others more than they can see and hear.
the company obviously needs some more time to archieve all they have planned. and that is ok with me as long as they are on track and nothing points out that they are not on track - with delays, but on track. that is great. we have a working product which is changing the world of hygiene and we are sitting on the patents... which otcbb or otcbq company can say that? very few!
key is and was: patience until all is done and then the selling of the machine will start. I am expecting sales coming in step by step and as more people learn about asepticsure as more orders will come in. that would be a healthy development and I am sure it will happen.
I wish everybody a great weekend, go