Posted On: 08/01/2016 11:19:13 AM
Post# of 56323

Re: ColtsPacers #55709
ColtsPacers, I do agree with most of all you said there, as well as with what Rollwithit has stated. But, that is really not the point in my view.
Look, we all know the history from several years ago, what has happened, who was REALLY responsible, in each of very many declines in the status of the company's.
I guess my point is that at no time has either Bill or James been the real responsible party to initiate any of the declines, yet, they seem to be held , by some , as the culprit. I do not agree with that sentiment at all.
With Cen.....we all know what happened, and , that the Courts are slow as hell in making a determination. That is NOT Bills fault. Even though he ran his mouth, in my opinion , way too much a couple of years ago, it is obvious that he has learned from that. Unfortunately, for us today, that pendulum has swung too far in the other direction which makes daily updates a thing of the past, to say the least.
He now understands that if you do not give people ammunition, they can't use it against you with a spin on it. Being in a legal battle also enhances that. It is best to just stay quiet and let the Courts decide, IMO. And that is what he is doing. I do not expect to see ANYTHING from Bill until after the OMB hearing in Oct. Just me.
On FITX......Same thing. It is just best to allow the system move at it's own slow assed pace until resolution. What is stopping the progress at this time, in my view, is that until resolution happens, and the Company is cleared of manipulation, which, also in my view, they will be, and the ownership of the stock is finally cleared, we will be in this quandary, and not able to seriously move forward.
On both CEN AND FITX.......I am SURE that everyone has noticed that absolutely NO lawsuits have been initiated , by anyone, ever that , at least , I am aware of.
That FACT tells me that there is NO BASIS for that to happen and no lawyer would touch that with a ten foot pole. I really do not give a damn about the accusations because there is no proof at all that anyone did even one thing wrong. Not everyone may like what has happened, and choose to blame Bill or James for it.....and that is fine, because it is common knowledge that you can not please everyone, all the time.
Would I , along with you and others like to have more, updates and to know what the powers that be are thinking......sure.
But, I also know there is a time for all things, and things happen in time. Patience is the key to knowing the difference. JMO of course.
Look, we all know the history from several years ago, what has happened, who was REALLY responsible, in each of very many declines in the status of the company's.
I guess my point is that at no time has either Bill or James been the real responsible party to initiate any of the declines, yet, they seem to be held , by some , as the culprit. I do not agree with that sentiment at all.
With Cen.....we all know what happened, and , that the Courts are slow as hell in making a determination. That is NOT Bills fault. Even though he ran his mouth, in my opinion , way too much a couple of years ago, it is obvious that he has learned from that. Unfortunately, for us today, that pendulum has swung too far in the other direction which makes daily updates a thing of the past, to say the least.
He now understands that if you do not give people ammunition, they can't use it against you with a spin on it. Being in a legal battle also enhances that. It is best to just stay quiet and let the Courts decide, IMO. And that is what he is doing. I do not expect to see ANYTHING from Bill until after the OMB hearing in Oct. Just me.
On FITX......Same thing. It is just best to allow the system move at it's own slow assed pace until resolution. What is stopping the progress at this time, in my view, is that until resolution happens, and the Company is cleared of manipulation, which, also in my view, they will be, and the ownership of the stock is finally cleared, we will be in this quandary, and not able to seriously move forward.
On both CEN AND FITX.......I am SURE that everyone has noticed that absolutely NO lawsuits have been initiated , by anyone, ever that , at least , I am aware of.
That FACT tells me that there is NO BASIS for that to happen and no lawyer would touch that with a ten foot pole. I really do not give a damn about the accusations because there is no proof at all that anyone did even one thing wrong. Not everyone may like what has happened, and choose to blame Bill or James for it.....and that is fine, because it is common knowledge that you can not please everyone, all the time.
Would I , along with you and others like to have more, updates and to know what the powers that be are thinking......sure.
But, I also know there is a time for all things, and things happen in time. Patience is the key to knowing the difference. JMO of course.

In times when you feel low self esteem, disappointment and perhaps even depression.......keep in mind that it may simply be the result of the fact that you are surrounded by ass holes. GLTA
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