So... can someone help me understand this... if shorting is the reason PNCH has such a low PPS... and shorting PNCH is so profitable... then its reasonable to conclude the PPS of PNCH will never rise above where it is today... right? If shorters are making so much money on the low PPS... why in the world would they ever stop shorting the stock, because the money is so easy? If shorters can manipulate the price down whenever they want, why would they ever give up that easy money? What shorter is going to say... hey, I just don't feel like making any more money on PNCH stock, and quit shorting the stock. If the shorting theory is correct... we should all just sell our shares now because shortie will never let the PPS rise... the money made is like taking candy from a baby as they say.
Me personally... I'm holding, because I don't subscribe to the shorting theory.
But hey... that's just me.