Posted On: 06/10/2016 11:45:47 PM
Post# of 65629
Never mind the substance of my post, which broke the backs of righties like yourself.
I'm an old psychology/biology major and many years back was also a subscriber to Psychology Today. It's been years since I've read one of their articles and, with luck, it will be many more years before I read another. But regardless of my thoughts about this paragon of psychological research let's look at some of that back breaking stuff you consider scientific......According to Nigel Barber Ph.D.,
Most societies are divided into a party that wants change (the more liberal party) and one that is afraid of change (the conservatives). The liberal party is generally more intellectual and the conservative party is more anti-intellectual.
Talk about a mound of happy horse crap that is it in spades! When I read that I immediately got a vision of a bunch of liberal voters, all of which got their registrations via motor voter, standing in a welfare line discussing Martin Heidegger's views on ontology and how those views influenced Jean Paul Sartre*. At that point I had to agree with Dr. Barber. Yep, them thar libs is sure a whole bunch more intellectual than us conservatives be.
lol lol lol lol You are a hoot laddie!!!!!!!!!! Keep them thar posts a comin'. lol lol lol lol
* Certainly nuttin' that I plan to ponder any time soon but I bet my super duper intellectual member of the House of Representatives Jim Clyburn does so on a daily basis.
My back sure feels broken!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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