as I see, shorties on this one are well organized,they have their own plan of when to ask the basementboys to bash to help them and max their shorting profit, while we have a lots of dedicated longs to hold very tight with lots of true longs hold over 2 digits M shares and seldom sell any shares even with 10 times of the profit, and I guess a lots of the longs like me recommand their friends to buy this one in almost every stage of the price, like my friend listened my suggestion bought in over 3 M shares just on the day of 3Q at 0.0068, and he tried to buy another 8 M shares or so around 0.003, but all of these dedicated action only benifit the shorties to short more make huge profit.......,
As I think, something must be done to stop the shamless shorting at once..., I do wish Stevee can bring us some good news in the near future ... and wish he won't give any good excuse like adding more O/S or A/S to help the shorties......, for adding O/S or A/S but with the rediculous even ower price, how can all the investors and PUNCH get the benifit, ....