Illest, I think you are right about how big the Tommy Chong endorsement is for the product. I think you are right about the fact that this is a brilliant, innovative product entering the market at the perfect time and that the potential consumer base for this product is HUGE! However, I will disagree on what I think is the primary factor in limiting sales, and/or "standing in our way". I do not think its production rates or manufacturing at all. I think given the money, the company could order millions of units and China would churn them out quickly with no problem. I personally think that the main limiting factor for rate of sales is basically exposure in the industry and marketing. If tomorrow there were TV commercials on MTV, Spike, etc and the major news channels as well as radio and internet (ad) marketing campaigns running non-stop, all day, every day, directing consumers to the website, I happen to believe that the web traffic would be off the charts insane. I think in such a scenario, the demand could quickly outpace the supply and the corp would need more units and be making money hand over fist. Of course though it takes money to make money and with marketing campaigns, it costs a lot to get overall exposure. TV commercials and radio are insanely expensive and even online ad marketing has become pricey. I think Cheryl's level of celebrity exposure is a HUGE plus for the product on the marketing side, but even celebrity exposure takes time for the market of consumers to digest and begin to learn about the product and eventually desire to have one. I think the primary limiting factor is marketing and the amount of money needed to engage a large overall marketing campaign to draw in consumers in order to make massive sales. RFMK is named Rapid Fire MARKETING though so I am hopeful there is a good marketing plan for the future. I think with the monthly funding from Ironridge, RFMK has a very good chance to get a good marketing campaign going.
As for the product, IMO, hands down, it is THE best (quality and price) in the market right now.