Oh kay (bet you never seen it spelled out before!)....you got me. When I am told something that I am really not supposed to divulge, I just make it....IMO....
And yes.....it certainly could be done in 3 months, but Baltia has a history of unexpected delays.....like 22 years worth.....so I figured we might as well be cautious (and that statement is truly IMO). I remember late last year expecting to see news reports of a new airline and a video of a new species of bird landing at JFK, but no such luck.
I have to believe that by Christmas of this year, those visions won't just be dancing in our heads.
So I have set my expectations for ticket sales to begin before the world ends on 12/21/12. If actual revenue flights begin in 2012, well than that, for me, right now......is just gravy. Figure if I keep my expectations low this time around, I won't be disappointed...again....and again...
On the bright side...over 1.6 million shares traded on Friday, and Saturday I stumbled upon a couple of new Baltia shareholders clear out of the blue.......maybe some "buzz" is getting around. I think from this point forward things are going to start getting very interesting............