$$$$ BRGO IS MY PICK FOR NEXT WEEK. $$$$$ BRGO IS A NO BRAINER AT THIS LEVEL. BRGO could run well over 1 cent by the end of Next week. SALES and REVENUES are all up over the past year! Panic selling brought it to its 52 week low of .0031 2 days ago. It bounced hard and closed at .0042 yesterday. Could run to 3 cents from here since the have had record sales this last year. BRGO WAS RECENTLY TRADING AS HIGH OF 14 CENTS A FEW MONTHS BACK (09/11)! ASSET to LIABILITY ratio of 2 to 1. You cannot find ANY OTHER PENNY STOCK with an O/S and price ratio this low 55million o/s to .0042, with REVENUES this high.
Bergio International Announces Year End Results
http://ih.advfn.com/ p.php?pid=nmona&article=519 02607
The Company reported an increase in revenue of 12% for total net sales of $ 1,621,000 for the year ended D ... ecember 31, 2011, as compared to $1,445,000 for year ended December 31, 2010. Further, the Company reported that stockholders' equity increased by 11% from $1,096,000 for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2010, to $1,223,000 for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2011. The company also reports an Asset to Liability ratio of 2 to 1.
The Company's net loss for the year ended December 31, 2011 was $408,328, as compared to a net loss of $838,999 for the year ended December 31, 2010, a 51% decrease.
Berge Abajian, CEO of Bergio, stated, "I am pleased with the year end results. I believe our numbers would have been even better had we not had to make some reserves on a doubtful account that I believe is collectible." He continued, "The Company is definitely on the right track. Our expansion overseas is steadily increasing while our stockholders' equity continues to increase on a yearly basis. We are seeing the 1st quarter aligning with our expectations and our plans and visions for our company are becoming a reality."
About Bergio International, Inc.
Bergio International, Inc. a leading jeweler creating a diversified jewelry designer and manufacturer through acquisitions and consolidation in the estimated $160 billion a year highly fragmented independently owned jewelry industry Bergio currently sells its jewelry to approximately 50 jewelry retailers across the United States. Bergio has manufacturing control over its line through its manufacturing facility in New Jersey, as well as subcontracts with facilities in the United States and Italy.