Posted On: 03/30/2016 11:25:01 AM
Post# of 1023

This is NOT investment advice:
My opinion of what's happening..
Opinion obviously means this is NOT investment advice, right?
As in.. go call your broker with financial / investing questions and do NOT base your investment decisions on this or any of my posts.
How many people are keeping up with those MA lines?
I use these parameters in order to see momentum (read previous post):
Even though the PPS has gone down again today, notice now that the 50MA and 100MA are only .0002 away from crossing. This means that even though we closed red the past 3 days, momentum is still building.
Companies are like investors. They only want what's best. Companies don't want fickle pickle investors. They want people willing to stay with them long term. Why? Would you want 1,000 people emailing, calling, and writing letters whining and complaining about the share price and wanting to know 'when are you going to make me a millionaire?' I know I wouldn't want that.
Short term investors place extra burdens on companies because they are skittish about volatility. Unlike short term investors who base the majority of their investment decisions on the color of a candle, long term investors help create value.
Long term investors don't only try to average down, they try to average UP; meaning, they buy shares as the price goes UP. It's called Pyramiding. Google it. Its very interesting stuff. As the price goes up, they continually buy less number of shares for a higher price.
Why do investors average up? Because it only further enhances the value of the company. Whats the point in averaging down and owning 50 million shares in one company if you only buy as the price goes down? (There's nothing wrong with owning millions of shares; the point being its important to know when to SELL).
Many investors fall for the 'its a gift' thing far too often.
On the other hand, averaging UP increases the stocks visibility to more investors.
Many investors average down with the notion that they are getting shares at 'value' prices. They say things such as:
"Just bought another 100,000 on this dip!"
"These are gift prices! Get them while you can!"
I respect investors decisions to think like this, but for myself, the thinking is backwards. Averaging up reassures you that you found a great stock. Averaging down can actually hurt you because when you average down, your position keeps getting bigger, and if the stock never recovers, your losses will end up being greater than if you simply kept your original position. The downfall for many investors is not knowing when to SELL. They stay in, watch the price skyrocket, but never sell thinking it will go higher. But the price crashes and end up taking a total loss. Those 50 million 'gift' shares are now worth nothing.
So what's the point of all this rambling?
I think the people behind Spectrascience are smarter than many of us give them credit. I think the men and women behind SCIE know 2016 - 2017 is going to be the year sales are reintroduced and they want as many serious, long term investors, who will add value to their company as possible. And they are being very strategic about it.
First off, we got a PR yesterday. And it was a great PR. It only was meant for sales in the UK and was not a requirement for Spain, Europe, or Saudi Arabia. This is great for us because it to me it says sales are ready to go in Europe.
Second, where is this 10K? I'm not asking because I'm nervous. I'm asking because I'm loving that its not out yet. Why? Because like I said above, SCIE wants the fickle pickle investors out because they know their company is about to show sales in the 2016-2017 year, and by holding off on the 10K until after market closes (or at least later in the day), it sets up tomorrow for a period of switching hands.
Weaker investors will sell because the 10K didn't make them 'millionaires', and stronger investors will buy and hold. And as the share price goes up, weaker investors wont be willing to pay a higher share price, which will lock them out of the company, leaving shares only in strong investors hands.
I truly believe investing is survival of the fittest. Compare the number of investors who have become millionaires to those who have sold at the first sign of trouble, gave up, and moved on. The majority of us aren't willing to research a company, and simply jump in to any investment which seems promising. This is a recipe for disaster.
Unlike short term investors who get in and out, long term investors do DD not only on the company (SCIE) but also research the industry and question what changes are currently happening in the industry?
I think some of the best investments are those that continually improve their product. Spectrascience has done this for years.
WavSTAT1. Obsolete.
WavSTAT2. Obsolete
WavSTAT3. Obsolete.
WavSTAT4. Current.
To the surprise of many investors, some of the best (and most successful) companies are those that grow slowly. Ever hear of the saying "run this like a marathon not a sprint"?
Companies that tend to sprint often flop before ever reaching the finish line.
Spectrascience is a slow growth company, which has a real product, government approvals, and soon to be sales. SCIE is definitely a marathon runner.
In conclusion, I see SCIE as a long term investment. I think they are holding off on the 10K for a reason and I believe the PR yesterday was a strategic play on their part. I don't think its worth selling for a small profit right now because the capital gain taxes would cost almost the same as what it would take to create a new position if the price were to increase.
This and every post of mine is NOT investment advice.
My opinion of what's happening..
Opinion obviously means this is NOT investment advice, right?
As in.. go call your broker with financial / investing questions and do NOT base your investment decisions on this or any of my posts.
How many people are keeping up with those MA lines?
I use these parameters in order to see momentum (read previous post):
Even though the PPS has gone down again today, notice now that the 50MA and 100MA are only .0002 away from crossing. This means that even though we closed red the past 3 days, momentum is still building.
Companies are like investors. They only want what's best. Companies don't want fickle pickle investors. They want people willing to stay with them long term. Why? Would you want 1,000 people emailing, calling, and writing letters whining and complaining about the share price and wanting to know 'when are you going to make me a millionaire?' I know I wouldn't want that.
Short term investors place extra burdens on companies because they are skittish about volatility. Unlike short term investors who base the majority of their investment decisions on the color of a candle, long term investors help create value.
Long term investors don't only try to average down, they try to average UP; meaning, they buy shares as the price goes UP. It's called Pyramiding. Google it. Its very interesting stuff. As the price goes up, they continually buy less number of shares for a higher price.
Why do investors average up? Because it only further enhances the value of the company. Whats the point in averaging down and owning 50 million shares in one company if you only buy as the price goes down? (There's nothing wrong with owning millions of shares; the point being its important to know when to SELL).
Many investors fall for the 'its a gift' thing far too often.
On the other hand, averaging UP increases the stocks visibility to more investors.
Many investors average down with the notion that they are getting shares at 'value' prices. They say things such as:
"Just bought another 100,000 on this dip!"
"These are gift prices! Get them while you can!"
I respect investors decisions to think like this, but for myself, the thinking is backwards. Averaging up reassures you that you found a great stock. Averaging down can actually hurt you because when you average down, your position keeps getting bigger, and if the stock never recovers, your losses will end up being greater than if you simply kept your original position. The downfall for many investors is not knowing when to SELL. They stay in, watch the price skyrocket, but never sell thinking it will go higher. But the price crashes and end up taking a total loss. Those 50 million 'gift' shares are now worth nothing.
So what's the point of all this rambling?
I think the people behind Spectrascience are smarter than many of us give them credit. I think the men and women behind SCIE know 2016 - 2017 is going to be the year sales are reintroduced and they want as many serious, long term investors, who will add value to their company as possible. And they are being very strategic about it.
First off, we got a PR yesterday. And it was a great PR. It only was meant for sales in the UK and was not a requirement for Spain, Europe, or Saudi Arabia. This is great for us because it to me it says sales are ready to go in Europe.
Second, where is this 10K? I'm not asking because I'm nervous. I'm asking because I'm loving that its not out yet. Why? Because like I said above, SCIE wants the fickle pickle investors out because they know their company is about to show sales in the 2016-2017 year, and by holding off on the 10K until after market closes (or at least later in the day), it sets up tomorrow for a period of switching hands.
Weaker investors will sell because the 10K didn't make them 'millionaires', and stronger investors will buy and hold. And as the share price goes up, weaker investors wont be willing to pay a higher share price, which will lock them out of the company, leaving shares only in strong investors hands.
I truly believe investing is survival of the fittest. Compare the number of investors who have become millionaires to those who have sold at the first sign of trouble, gave up, and moved on. The majority of us aren't willing to research a company, and simply jump in to any investment which seems promising. This is a recipe for disaster.
Unlike short term investors who get in and out, long term investors do DD not only on the company (SCIE) but also research the industry and question what changes are currently happening in the industry?
I think some of the best investments are those that continually improve their product. Spectrascience has done this for years.
WavSTAT1. Obsolete.
WavSTAT2. Obsolete
WavSTAT3. Obsolete.
WavSTAT4. Current.
To the surprise of many investors, some of the best (and most successful) companies are those that grow slowly. Ever hear of the saying "run this like a marathon not a sprint"?
Companies that tend to sprint often flop before ever reaching the finish line.
Spectrascience is a slow growth company, which has a real product, government approvals, and soon to be sales. SCIE is definitely a marathon runner.
In conclusion, I see SCIE as a long term investment. I think they are holding off on the 10K for a reason and I believe the PR yesterday was a strategic play on their part. I don't think its worth selling for a small profit right now because the capital gain taxes would cost almost the same as what it would take to create a new position if the price were to increase.
This and every post of mine is NOT investment advice.

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There is a VERY HIGH degree of RISK involved in trading and investing. Only invest what you can afford to lose.
As used herein, the terms "You" and "Your" shall mean you, individually, the reader, and each other party on whose behalf you may use the contained information at any time.
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There is a VERY HIGH degree of RISK involved in trading and investing. Only invest what you can afford to lose.
Invite Only
There is a VERY HIGH degree of RISK involved in trading and investing. Only invest what you can afford to lose.
As used herein, the terms "You" and "Your" shall mean you, individually, the reader, and each other party on whose behalf you may use the contained information at any time.
All references to "My", "I", and “The writer of the above post” shall refer to the creator of the username Joey68.
Do NOT invest unless you are prepared to sustain a total loss of the money you have invested plus any commission or other transaction charges.
There is a very high degree of risk involved in trading and investing. Past results are not indicative of future returns. I assume no responsibility for your trading and investment results. You should NOT rely on the information in the above post to make any decision or take any action.
ALL OF MY STATEMENTS, including but not limited to, POSTS, MESSAGES, PRIVATE MESSAGES, and RESPONSES are OPINION and NOT fact and are for entertainment purposes only. Do your own research and make your own decisions based on your own conclusions.
ALL OF MY STATEMENTS, including but not limited to, POSTS, MESSAGES, PRIVATE MESSAGES, and RESPONSES are NOT advice, and are NOT designed to substitute the expertise and judgment of a professional. It is your responsibility to seek investment advice during all stages of your investments. It is your responsibility to evaluate the accuracy, completeness and usefulness of the information in the above post.
I am NOT a professional.
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My posts are NOT investment advice. I am not paid to post.
There is no correlation between the number of posts I write per day and your assumed success of a company.
It is NOT my responsibility to inform you of my own personal investment decisions.
It is NOT my responsibility to inform you when it is time for you to buy, hold, and/or sell a position.
I have no control over, and am not responsible for the actions of others who copy, store, edit, change, prepare any derivative work of or alter in any way any of the content provided in my posts.
Errors and Omissions expected. The writer of the above post accepts no liability or responsibility for any errors or omissions contained in the above post or contained within this Disclaimer.
The writer of the above post shall NOT accept any liability for the accuracy or completeness of the information contained in the above post, for any reliance placed by any person on the information contained in the above post, or for any damage or loss, however caused, in connection with the use or reliance on any information contained in the above post.
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The writer of the above post accepts no liability for any damage or loss, however caused, in connection with the use of or reliance on any information, material, products, or services contained on or accessed through any such linked websites.
There is a VERY HIGH degree of RISK involved in trading and investing. Only invest what you can afford to lose.
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