Posted On: 03/26/2016 1:00:16 PM
Post# of 65629

WATCH: Bill Maher Doesn’t Believe Five Women Could Possibly Want To Have Sex With Ted Cruz
March 26, 2016 12:17 pm ·
Bill Maher mocked the idea that Ted Cruz could possibly have affairs with multiple women and questioned whether five women would want to have sex with the Republican contender for the nomination. Maher said:
“The National Enquirer says they have the goods that five women had extramarital affairs with Ted Cruz. Yes, ladies, sex with Ted Cruz. That’s where you close your eyes and imagine you’re f*cking Newt Gingrich. Even Bill Cosby’s pharmacist says, ‘I don’t think I’ve got anything strong enough for that.’ Now I don’t personally believe any of this is true. I think I know who Ted Cruz is. I’m not saying he doesn’t enjoy screwing women. He just does it by defunding Planned Parenthood — that’s how he gets his jollies.”
Maher was referencing the National Inquirer, which names five women that allegedly had affairs with Ted Cruz. Cruz, who presents himself as a conservative candidate and a family man denies the accusations, accusing Donald Trump of being behind the story.
Maher is right: It does all seem like a far-fetched story. Who in their right mind would want to have sex with Ted Cruz? And on top of all that, there are allegedly five!
Then again, he is getting people to vote for him even though he has the most draconian and racist policies of all the GOP candidates, beating out even Trump. I suppose anything is possible.
Watch video here:

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