Posted On: 03/25/2016 8:48:06 PM
Post# of 96885
UF @ $$$ 41.905 BILLION $$$ Box office Sales for the
20 Iron Dragon Movies +
13 A&E titles +
22 Inception Media Group +
59 Alchemy Films
2 Lifetime +
3 Thunderstruck studios
4 Level 33 Entertainment
2 LionsGate +
5 Millenium Films ( Alchemy )
1 Iron Hog Pictures+
1 Garlin Picture
1 Victores International
1 Freestyle
8 First look Studios ( Alchemy )
3 Asylum
1 Intermedia Films
1 JorkWang Films (Alchemy)
1 Funny How Films ( Alchemy )
1 Europa Corp Foreign FIlm
1 Epic Pictures
1 ZRK1 Pictures
1 independent
loaded on UF from Sept 1, 2015 to Mar 25, 2016.
The breakout totals are >
41 loaded for MARCH 2016 with $71M box office so far.
Alchemy Studios
1> Adopting Terror >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> dvd
2> Air Collision >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> dvd
3> Back in the Day >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> dvd
4> Blitz >Lionsgate ) >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $15M
5> The Breed >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> dvd
6> Command Performance >>>>>>>>>>>> $6M
7> Danika >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> dvd
8>Deadly Water / Kraken >>>>>>>>>>>>>> dvd
9> Intruders >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> dvd
10> Johnny Was >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $2M
11>> The Kovak Box >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> no info
12> Meet Bill >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $1M
13> My Son, My Son What Have Ye Done >> dvd
14> Ninja > (Lionsgate) >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $10M
15> Once Fallen >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> no info
16> The Penthouse >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> dvd
17> The Proposition >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $5M
18> Puncture >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $1M
19> Quantum Apocalypse >>>>>>>>>>>>> no info
20> Rampart >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $2M
21> Red Lights >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $14M
22> Redrum >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> no info
23> Remember the Daze >>>>>>>>>>>>>> dvd
24> The Way of War >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $5M
Inception Studios
25> Appropriate Adult I >>>>>>>TV Mini-Series)
26> Appropriate Adult II>>>>>>> (TV Mini-Series)
27> Betrayal >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> dvd
28> Hell Beast >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> dvd
29> Complicity >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> dvd
30> The Daughter >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> dvd
31> Deserter >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $3M
32> A Haunting at Preston Castle >>>> $3M
33> The Dead and the Damned >>>>> dvd
34> The Forbidden Girl >>>>>>>>>>> no info
35> Ian Harris: Critical and Thinking >> tv movie
36>Lost Christmas >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $1M
37>Pathfinders- In the Company of Strangers> no info
ZRK1 Pictures ...
38> Decisions >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> dvd
Independent ...
39> Joey Diaz Comedy Special >>>>>> no info
Epic Pictures
40> Luster >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> dvd
Europa Corp ... and MPI Media Group
41>Little White Lies (French with English subtitles) $2M
63 loaded for FEB 2016 $1.078 BILLION box office.
Paramount Pictures
1> Harold and Maude >>>>>>>>>> $2M
2> Runaway Bride >>>>>>>>>>>> $310M
3> What Women Want >>>>>>>>> $374M
Millennium Films (Alchemy)
4> A Little Bit of Heaven >>>>>>>> $2M
5> Bernie >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $10M
6> Control >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $7M
7> Cool Dog >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> no info
8> Double Identity >>>>>>>>>>>>> dvd
9> Fake 2011 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> no info
10> Five Minarets >>>>>>>>>>>>> $190M
11> High Road >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> no info
12> Persecutor >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $2M
First Look Studios (Alchemy)
13> The Boy Next Door > Dina Meyer > no info
14> August >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $3M
15> Amatuers >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $1M
16> Cherry Crush >>>>>>>>>>>>>> dvd
17> Day Zero >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $1M
18 > Day of the Dead >>>>>>>>>>>> $1M
19> Dirty Love >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $1M
20> Dead Awake >>>>>>>>>>>>>> $4M
21> Guide to Getting Down >>>>>>> tv
22> Half Light >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $15M
23> King of Califonia >>>>>>>>>>> $1M
24> Its Alive >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> dvd
25> Smiley Face >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $1M
Asylum Films
26> American Warships >>>>>>>> $1M
27> Bikini Spring Break >>>>>>>>> no info
28> A Haunting in Salem >>>>>>>> dvd
Inception Studios
29> Wiener Dog Nationals >>>>>>> no info
Level 33 Entertainment
30> Last Lullaby >>>>>>>>>>>>>> $50M
31> Blues 2012 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> no info
32> Divorce Invitation >>>>>>>>>> no info
33> Cadavar Christmas >>>>>>>>> no info
Intermedia Films
34> Bookies >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $8M
JorkWang Films (Alchemy )
35> Laddaland >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $6M
Funny How Films (Alchemy )
36> Amsterdam Heavy >>>>>>>>>> $1M
Alchemy Films
37> An American Crime >>>>>>>>>> tv showtime
38> The Babymakers >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $1M
39> Born Bad >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> no info
40> Broken 2012 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> no info
41> Broken Roads >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $1M
42> Chrome Angels >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $2M
43> The Contract >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $6M
44> Dance Fu >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> dvd
45> Deadline >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $1M
46> Eye See You >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $6M
47> Girl From the Naked Eye >>>>>>>>>> $1M
48> Good Day for It >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $2M
49> A Guide to Recognizing Your Saints > $2M
50> Gun Crazy 1992 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $1M
51> Accuse >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> dvd
52> As Good as Dead >>>>>>>>>>>> no info
53>The Assassin Next Door >>>>>>>>> $3M
54>Assault on Precinct 13 >>>>>>>>>> $35M
55>Bad Lieutenant: Port of Call New Orleans > $11M
56>Death Train >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> no info
57>Elephant White >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $11M
58> Hisss ... (Bollywood) >>>>>>>>>>> $10M
59>Transsiberian >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $6M
60>Trust >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $1M
61>Zombie Apocalypse >>>>>>>>>>>> dvd
Thunderstruck Studios
62> Thuderstruck 13 >>>>>>>>>>>>> no info
63>Ginger Snaps >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $1M
For JANUARY 2016 total 32 loaded for
$1.084 BILLION >
in JAN 2016 UF added a NEW Ad revenue stream by
advertising Video Game Trailers of which 14 are now on UF
Inception Media Group
1> Bordering on Bad Behavior >>>>> $2M
2> Sons of Liberty >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> TV
3> One Direction>Reaching for Stars pt1 > dvd
4> One Direction>Reaching for Stars pt2 > dvd
Paramount Pictures
5> Babel >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $136M
6> High and Mighty > John Wayne >>> $9M
7> Hunted 2013 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $46M
8> Gallopoli >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $12M
9> The Hunter >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $17M
10> Juice >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $20M
11> Lady Jane >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $18M
12> Let it Ride >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $5M
13> Like Crazy >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $4M
14> Marathon Man >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $29M
15> Mostly Martha >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $5M
16> My Side of the Mountain >>>>>>>> $2M
17> Roman Holiday >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $12M
18> South Park >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $83M
19> Stardust >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $136M
20> Super 8 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $260M
21> The Terminal >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $220M
22> Team America: World Police >>>>> $52M
Iron Dragon Pictures
23> Dragonwolf >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $5M
24>Kundo >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $7M
Millennium Pictures
25>Dead Within >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> dvd
Iron Hog Pictures
26> King of the Avenue >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $3M
Garlin Pictures
27> Relative Strangers >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> dvd
Victores International
28> Paris Jetaime >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $18M
Freeestyle Releasing
29> Dirty Deeds
Thunderstruck Studios
30> Thunderstruck part 11
31> Thunderstruck part 12
First Look ( Alchemy )
32> A little Trip to Heaven
$$$ 2.729 BILLION $$$ for 57 loaded
$$$ 6.544 BILLION $$$ for the 89+12 loaded
For OCTOBER 2015
$$$ 17.788 BILLION $$$ for the 115 loaded
$$ 12.581 BILLION $$$ for the 73 loaded
For December 2015 >
Iron Dragon Studios
1 > Special ID >>>>>>>>>>>>>> > $30M
2 > Wrath of Vajra >>>>>>>>>>>> $50M
3 > Badges of Fury >>>>>>>>>>>> $47M
4 > Eastern Bandits >>>>>>>>>>>> $25M
5 > Confession of a Murder >>>>>> $19M
6 > Chef, Actor, Scoundrel >>>>>>> $43M
A&E studios
9 > Sons of Liberty >>>>>>> 3 Part TV series
19 > Unreal 2015 >>>>>>>> 10 part TV series
20 > Screwed (2012)
21 > Whitney Houston ( TV Movie)
22 >The Secret Life of Marylin Monroe (4 hour Mini Series)
Inception Media Group
23 > Alien Battlefield >>>>>>>>> DVD
24 > Romeo and Juliet (2015, Broadway Stage Play)
25 > Silent But Deadly >>>>>>>> TV
26 > The Zombinator >>>>>>>> DVD
December 2015 PARAMOUNT Films >
27 > A New Leaf >>>>>>>>>>>>> $5M
28 > Angel Heart >>>>>>>>>>>> $17M
29 > Bad Boys Comedy 2 >>>>>> TV series
30 > Clue >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $15M
31 > Company Man >>>>>>>>>>> $1M
32 > Dragon Slayer >>>>>>>>>>> $14M
33 > Flesh and Bone >>>>>>>>>> $10M
34 > Flashback >>>>>>>>>>>>>> $7M
35 > Four Brothers >>>>>>>>>>>> $93M
36 > Heartburn >>>>>>>>>>>>>> $25M
37 > High Noon >>>>>>>>>>>>>> $12M
38 > Jennifer 8 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $12M
39 > Kiss the Girls >>>>>>>>>>>> $61M
40 > Liberty Valence >>>>>>>>>>> $8M
41 > Match Point >>>>>>>>>>>>>> $85M
42 > Mean Creek >>>>>>>>>>>>>> $1M
43 > Margot at the Wedding >>>>>> $3M
44 > Next >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $71M
45 > Night Falls >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $10M
46 > Night of Demons 2 >>>>>>>>> $2M
47 > Northfork >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $2M
48 > Nobodys Fool >>>>>>>>>>>> $40M
49 > Not Fade Away >>>>>>>>>>> $1M
50 > Nevada Smith>>>>>>>>>>>>> $7M
51 > Neil Young Heart of Gold >>>> $3M
52 > Ordinary People >>>>>>>>>> $55M
53 > Paulie >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $27M
54 > Primal Fear >>>>>>>>>>>>>> $103M
55 > The Parallax View >>>>>>>>> no info
56 > Mission Impossible ROGUE NATION $$$ 682M $$$
57 >TRANSFORMERS Age of Extinction > $$$ 1.1 BILLION $$$
Here are the NOV IRON DRAGON Titles>
1- For the Emperor >>>>>>>>> $10M
2 - Firestorm >>>>>>>>>>>>>> $56M
3 -Iceman >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $26M
4 -Killers 2014 >>>>>>>>>>>>> no info
5 - Kung Fu Killer >>>>>>>>>>> $23M
6 - The Pirates >>>>>>>>>>>>> $56M
7 - Once upon a time in Shanghai > no info
8 - Rigormortis >>>>>>>>>>>>> $17M
9 - The taking of Tiger Mountain > $150M
10 - Traffickers >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $12M
11 - Young Detective Dee >>>>>> $98M
12 - Vengeance of an Assassin >> $10M
Here are the NOV Titles> PARAMOUNTS
1 -Along Came a Spider >>>>>>>> $105M
2 -Almost Famous >>>>>>>>>>>>> $47M
3 - American Gigolo >>>>>>>>>>>> $23M
4 - Bad Boys Comedy Season 3 > ( TV Series )
5 - Bad Boys of Comedy Season 1 (TV Series)
6 - BarnYard >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $116M
7 - Beef >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> no info
8 - Beyond Borders>>>>>>>>>>>> $12M
9 - Bloody Sunday >>>>>>>>>>>>> $1M
10 - Carrie (1952) >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $2M
11 - Cousins >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $22M
12 - Catch 22 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $25M
13 - Changing Lanes >>>>>>>>>>>> $95M
14 - Chaplin >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $10M
15 - Childs Play >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $44M
16 - Children of a Lesser God >>>>> $31M
17 - Collateral >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $218M
18 - Coming To America >>>>>>>>> $288M
19 - The Contender >>>>>>>>>>>>> $22M
20 - The Core >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $74M
21 - Dark City >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> no info
22 - Death Wish >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $22M
23 - Disturbia >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $118M
24 - Donovans Reef >>>>>>>>>>>> $7M
25 - DreamGirls>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $154M
26 - The Doors >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $34M
27 - Eagle Eye >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $179M
28 - Election >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $15M
29 - Enduring Love >>>>>>>>>>>>> no info
30 - -Escape from NY >>>>>>>>>>>> $25M
31 - Evolution >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $80M
32 - EuroTrip >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $20M
33 - Faceoff >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $245M
34 - Falling in Love >>>>>>>>>>>>>> $12M
35 - First Wives >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $181M
36 - Flags of Our Fathers >>>>>>>>> $66M
37 - Flight >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $162M
38 - Freedom Writers >>>>>>>>>>>>> $43M
39 - Focus >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $158M
40 - Footloose 2011 >>>>>>>>>>>>> $63M
41 - Friends 1971 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> no info
42 - The Four Feathers (2002) >>>>> $30M
43 - Fun Size >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $11M
44 - The Fighter >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $129M
45 - The Generals Daughter >>>>>>> $150M
46 - Grease 2 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $15M
47 - Hansel & Gretel >>>>>>>>>>>>> $226M
48 - Harlem Nights >>>>>>>>>>>>>> $61M
49 - Hey Arnold >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $15M
50 - Heaven Can Wait >>>>>>>>>>> $82M
51 - Heart Break Kid >>>>>>>>>>>>> $128M
52 - House of Sand and Fog >>>>>>> $17M
53 - Hot Pursuit >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $4m
54 - Ivory Tower >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 100k
55 - The Honeymooners >>>>>>>>>> $13M
56 - The Hours >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $109M
57 - Jackass 3 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $170M
58 - Jackass 3.5 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> DVD
59 - Jackass Number Two >>>>>>>>> $85M
60 - Jackass Presents - Bad Grandpa > $151M
61 - Just Like Heaven >>>>>>>>>>>>> $103M
62 - Internal Affairs >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $28M
63 - K-19 Widowmaker >>>>>>>>>>>> $65M
64 -The Ladies Man (2000 >>>>>>>>> $14M
65 - The Last Castle >>>>>>>>>>>>> $28M
66 - The Last Tycoon >>>>>>>>>>>> $2M
67 - Leap of Faith >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $24M
68 - The Longest Yard 1974 >>>>>>> $43M
69 - Lovely Bones >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $94M
70 - Lucky Numbers >>>>>>>>>>>>> $11M
71 - Martin Lawrence Live >>>>>>>> $19M
72 - Mighty Heart >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $19M
73 - Mommie Dearest >>>>>>>>>>> $39M
74 - Morning Glory (2010 >>>>>>>>> $60M
75 - Naked Gun >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $217M
76 - Naked Gun 2 1/2 >>>>>>>>>>>> $86M
77 - Orange County >>>>>>>>>>>>> $43M
78 - The Out of Towners (1999) >>>> $29M
79 - Pain & Gain >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $96M
80 - Phantom of the Opera >1989>>> $4M
81 - Private Parts >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $41M
82 - Project X >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $102M
83 - The Rugrats >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $140M
84 - Staten Island Summer >>>>>>>> download
85 - Summer Rental >>>>>>>>>>>>> $25M
86 - The Talented Mr Ripley >>>>>>> $129M
87 -Terminator Genisys >>>>>>>>>>> $440M
88 - Zoolander >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $60M
89 - Wuthering Heights >1992>>>>>>>> no info
1 - 1492: Conquest of Paradise >>>>> $7M
2 - Area 51 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $1M
3 - Airplane II: The Sequel >>>>>>>>>$27M
4 - Another 48 Hrs. >>>>>>>>>>>>>> $153M
5 - Barbarella >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $6M
6 - Basic Instinct >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $352M
7 - Beverly Hills Cop III >>>>>>>>>>> $119M
8 - Black Rain >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $134M
9 - Blades of Glory >>>>>>>>>>>>>> $145M
10 - Boomerang >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $131M
11 - Breakfast At Tiffany >>>>>>>>>>> $14M
12 - Cirque Du Soliel >>>>>>>>>>>>>> $34M
13 - Chop Shop >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $1M
14 - Cloverfield >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $170M
15 - Clueless >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $56M
16 - Cujo >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $21M
17 - Crazy People >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $13M
18 - Deep Impact >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $349M
19 - Dinner for Shmucks >>>>>>>>>> $86M
20 - Drunk Wedding >>>>>>>>>>>>> 330K
21 - Elephant Man >>>>>>>>>>>>>> $26M
22 - Enemy at the Gates >>>>>>>>>> $97M
23 - Escape From Alcatraz >>>>>>>> $43M
24 - Event Horizon >>>>>>>>>>>>>> $47M
25 - Eddie Murphy Raw >>>>>>>>>> $50M
26 - Failure to Launch >>>>>>>>>>>>$128M
27 -Fatal Attraction >>>>>>>>>>>>>> $320M
28 - The Firm >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $270M
29 - First Blood >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $125M
30 - Flashdance >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $201M
31 - Friday the 13th - Part V ->>>>>>> $21M
32 - Friday the 13th = Part VIII - >>>>>$14M
33 - The Gambler 1974 >>>>>>>>>>> no info
34 - The Gift >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $53M
35 - The Great Gatsby 1974 >>>>>>> $351M
36 - Galaxy Quest >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $91M
37 - Good Kill >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $1M
38 - Graveyard Shift >>>>>>>>>>>>>> $11M
39 - GHOST >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $505M
40 - How to lose a Man in 10 Days >> $177M
41 - The Haunting >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $177M
42 - I love You Man >>>>>>>>>>>>> $91M
43 - Into the Wild >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $56M
44 - Indecent Proposal >>>>>>>>>>>> $266M
45 - Invasion of the Body Snachers >>> $3M
46 - The Italian Job (2003) >>>>>>>>> $176M
47 -Jack Reacher >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $218M
48 - Jacobs Ladder >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $26M
49 - Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit >>>>> $135M
50 - Jimmy Neutron Boy Genius >>>>>> $103M
51 - The Haunting >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $177M
52 - Katy Perry Part of Me >>>>>>>>>>>$32M
53 - Kingpin >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $25M
54 - King Kong >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>$90M
55 The Kite Runner >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $73M
56 - Lara Croft Tomb Raider >>>>>>>>> $274M
57 - Lara Croft Cradle of Life >>>>>>>>> $156M
58 - The Legend of Bagger Vance >>>>>> $39M
59 - Lemony Snickets Unfortunate Events >$209M
60 - The Longest Yard (2005) >>>>>>>>> $190M
61 - The Love Guru >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $40M
62 - Love, Rosie >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $4M
63 -The Machinist >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $8M
64 - Manchurian Candidate >>>>>>>>>>> $8M
65 - Mean Girls >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $129M
66 - The Mexican >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $147M
67 - Mission Impossible - Ghost Protocol > $694M
68 - Mission Impossible II >>>>>>>>>>>> $546M
69 - Mission Impossible III >>>>>>>>>>>> $397M
70 - No Strings Attached >>>>>>>>>>>>> $149M
71 - A Night at the Roxbury >>>>>>>>>>> $30M
72 - The Odd Couple >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $18M
73 - Officer and a Gentleman >>>>>>>>>> $129M
74 - Old School >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $87M
75 - Over the Top >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $16M
76 - Paranormal Activity >>>>>>>>>>>>>> $193M
77 - Paranormal Activity 4 >>>>>>>>>>>> $142M
78 - Paranormal Activity - The Marked Ones >$90M
79 - Pretty in Pink >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>$40M
80 - Project Almanac >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $32M
81 - Rainmaker >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $45M
82 - Rambo III >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $161M
83 - Resident Advisors - Episode 1
84 - Resident Advisors - Episode 2
85 - Resident Advisors - Episode 3
86 - Resident Advisors - Episode 4
87- Resident Advisors - Episode 5
88 - Resident Advisors - Episode 6
89 - Resident Advisors - Episode 7
89 - Red Eye >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $95M
90 - The Ring >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $249M
91 - The Ring II >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $189M
92 - Road Trip >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $119M
93 - Road Trip Beer Pong >>>>> direct to dvd
94 - Rosemays Baby >>>>>>>>>>>>> $33M
95 - Rules of Engagement >>>>>>> $71M
96 - Running Man >>>>>>>>>>>>> $38M
97 - Saving Private Ryan >>>>>>>> $481M
98 - Silver Bullet >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $12M
99 - Staying Alive >>>>>>>>>>>>>> $64M
100 - The Score >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $113M
101 - The Saint >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $169M
102 - Saturday Night Fever >>>>>> $237M
103- Seabiscuit >>>>>>>>>>>>>> $148M
104 - Tales from the Dark Side >>> $16M
105 - Titanic >>>>>>>>>>> $$$ $2.187 BILLION $$$
106- Tommy Boy >>>>>>>>>>>>>> $32M
107 - Top Secret! >>>>>>>>>>>>> $ 20M
108 - Trading Places>>>>>>>>>>>>$90M
109 - Transformers >>>>>>>>>>>>> $ 709M
110 - Transformers Revenge of Fallen $836M
111 - Transformers Dark of the Moon > $$$ 1.1 BILLION $$$
112- Tropic Thunder >>>>>>>>>> $ 188M
113 - Up in Smoke >>>>>>>>>>>>> $44M
114 - Waynes World >>>>>>>>>>>> $183M
115 - World War Z >>>>>>>>>>>>> $ 540M
Here are the 73 for SEPTEMBER ... PAARAMOUNTS
1 - 48 Hrs. >>>>>>>>>>>>> $78M
2 - AEon Flux >>>>>>>>>>> $52M
3 - The African Queen >>>> $10M
4 - Airplane! >>>>>>>>>>>> $130
5 - American Beauty >>>>>> $356
6 - Anchorman >>>>>>>>>> $90M
7 - Beowulf >>>>>>>>>>>>> $196M
8 - Beverly Hills Cop >>>>>> $316M
9 - Beverly Hills Cop II >>>>> $299M
10 - Black Sheep >>>>>>>>> $32M
11 - Bloodsport >>>>>>>>>> $65M
12 - Braveheart >>>>>>>>>> $210M
13 - Case 39 >>>>>>>>>>>>> $28M
14 - Catch Me if You Can >>>> $352M
15 - Chinatown >>>>>>>>>>>> $30M
16 - Clear and Present Danger > $215M
17 - Clouds of Sils Maria >>>>> $5M
18 - Coneheads >>>>>>>>>>> $21M
19 - Crocodile Dundee >>>>>>>> $512M
20 - Crocodile Dundee II >>>>>>> $239M
21 - The Curious Case of Benjamin Button > $333M
22 - Days of Thunder >>>>>>>>>>> $157M
23 - Defiance >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $56M
24 - The Dictator >>>>>>>>>>>>>> $179M
25 - Ferris Bueller's Day Off >>>>>> $70M
26 - Footloose (1984) >>>>>>>>>> $80M
27 - Forrest Gump >>>>>>>>>>>>> $677M
28 - Friday the 13th >>>>>>>>>>>> $59M
29 - Friday the 13th - Part II >>>>>> $21M
30 - Friday the 13th - Part III >>>>>> $36M
31 - Friday the 13th - Part IV - The Final Chapter > $32
32 - Friday the 13th - Part VI - Jason Lives >>>>>> $18M
33 - Friday the 13th - Part VII - The New Blood >>> $19M
34 - The Gambler >>>>>>>>>>>>> $39M
35 - Gladiator >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $457M
36 - The Godfather >>>>>>>>>>>> $245M
37 - The Godfather Part II >>>>>>> $47M
38 - The Godfather Part III >>>>>>> $136M
39 - Grease >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $394M
40 - Hugo >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $189M
41 - The Hunt for Red October >>>> $200M
42 - An Inconvenient Truth >>>>>>> $49M
43 - The Island >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $162M
44 - Minority Report >>>>>>>>>>>> $358M
45 - Mission Impossible >>>>>>>>> $457M
46 - Paranormal Activity 2 >>>>>>> $177M
47 - Paranormal Activity 3 >>>>>>> $207M
48 - Patriot Games >>>>>>>>>>>>> $178M
49 - Pet Sematary >>>>>>>>>>>>>> $57M
50 - Pet Sematary 2 >>>>>>>>>>>>> $17M
51 - Planes, Trains and Automobiles >>>>>>> $49M
52 - Selma >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $66M
53 - Shutter Island >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $294M
54 - Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow >> $58M
55 - The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie >>>>> $140M
56 - SpongeBob Movie - Sponge Out of Water > $311M
57 - Star Trek (2009) >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $385M
58 - Star Trek - The Motion Picture >>>>>>>>>> $139M
59 - Star Trek II - The Wrath of Khan >>>>>>>>> $97M
60 - Star Trek III - The Search for Spock >>>>>> $87M
61 - Star Trek IV - The Voyage Home >>>>>>>> $133M
62 - Star Trek V - The Final Frontier >>>>>>>>> $63M
63 - Star Trek VI - The Undiscovered Country >> $96M
64 - Star Trek - Generations >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $118M
65 - Star Trek - Into Darkness >>>>>>>>>>>>>> $467M
66 - Star Trek - First Contact >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $146M
67 - Star Trek - Insurrection >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $112M
68 - Star Trek - Nemesis >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $67M
69 - Terminator 2 - Judgement Day >>>>>>>>>> $519M
70 - Top Gun >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $356M
71 - The Truman Show >>>>>>>> $264M
72 - The Untouchables >>>>>>>> $106M
73 - Up in the Air >>>>>>>>>>>> $166M
20 Iron Dragon Movies +
13 A&E titles +
22 Inception Media Group +
59 Alchemy Films
2 Lifetime +
3 Thunderstruck studios
4 Level 33 Entertainment
2 LionsGate +
5 Millenium Films ( Alchemy )
1 Iron Hog Pictures+
1 Garlin Picture
1 Victores International
1 Freestyle
8 First look Studios ( Alchemy )
3 Asylum
1 Intermedia Films
1 JorkWang Films (Alchemy)
1 Funny How Films ( Alchemy )
1 Europa Corp Foreign FIlm
1 Epic Pictures
1 ZRK1 Pictures
1 independent
loaded on UF from Sept 1, 2015 to Mar 25, 2016.
The breakout totals are >
41 loaded for MARCH 2016 with $71M box office so far.
Alchemy Studios
1> Adopting Terror >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> dvd
2> Air Collision >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> dvd
3> Back in the Day >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> dvd
4> Blitz >Lionsgate ) >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $15M
5> The Breed >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> dvd
6> Command Performance >>>>>>>>>>>> $6M
7> Danika >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> dvd
8>Deadly Water / Kraken >>>>>>>>>>>>>> dvd
9> Intruders >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> dvd
10> Johnny Was >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $2M
11>> The Kovak Box >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> no info
12> Meet Bill >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $1M
13> My Son, My Son What Have Ye Done >> dvd
14> Ninja > (Lionsgate) >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $10M
15> Once Fallen >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> no info
16> The Penthouse >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> dvd
17> The Proposition >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $5M
18> Puncture >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $1M
19> Quantum Apocalypse >>>>>>>>>>>>> no info
20> Rampart >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $2M
21> Red Lights >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $14M
22> Redrum >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> no info
23> Remember the Daze >>>>>>>>>>>>>> dvd
24> The Way of War >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $5M
Inception Studios
25> Appropriate Adult I >>>>>>>TV Mini-Series)
26> Appropriate Adult II>>>>>>> (TV Mini-Series)
27> Betrayal >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> dvd
28> Hell Beast >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> dvd
29> Complicity >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> dvd
30> The Daughter >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> dvd
31> Deserter >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $3M
32> A Haunting at Preston Castle >>>> $3M
33> The Dead and the Damned >>>>> dvd
34> The Forbidden Girl >>>>>>>>>>> no info
35> Ian Harris: Critical and Thinking >> tv movie
36>Lost Christmas >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $1M
37>Pathfinders- In the Company of Strangers> no info
ZRK1 Pictures ...
38> Decisions >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> dvd
Independent ...
39> Joey Diaz Comedy Special >>>>>> no info
Epic Pictures
40> Luster >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> dvd
Europa Corp ... and MPI Media Group
41>Little White Lies (French with English subtitles) $2M
63 loaded for FEB 2016 $1.078 BILLION box office.
Paramount Pictures
1> Harold and Maude >>>>>>>>>> $2M
2> Runaway Bride >>>>>>>>>>>> $310M
3> What Women Want >>>>>>>>> $374M
Millennium Films (Alchemy)
4> A Little Bit of Heaven >>>>>>>> $2M
5> Bernie >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $10M
6> Control >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $7M
7> Cool Dog >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> no info
8> Double Identity >>>>>>>>>>>>> dvd
9> Fake 2011 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> no info
10> Five Minarets >>>>>>>>>>>>> $190M
11> High Road >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> no info
12> Persecutor >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $2M
First Look Studios (Alchemy)
13> The Boy Next Door > Dina Meyer > no info
14> August >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $3M
15> Amatuers >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $1M
16> Cherry Crush >>>>>>>>>>>>>> dvd
17> Day Zero >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $1M
18 > Day of the Dead >>>>>>>>>>>> $1M
19> Dirty Love >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $1M
20> Dead Awake >>>>>>>>>>>>>> $4M
21> Guide to Getting Down >>>>>>> tv
22> Half Light >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $15M
23> King of Califonia >>>>>>>>>>> $1M
24> Its Alive >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> dvd
25> Smiley Face >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $1M
Asylum Films
26> American Warships >>>>>>>> $1M
27> Bikini Spring Break >>>>>>>>> no info
28> A Haunting in Salem >>>>>>>> dvd
Inception Studios
29> Wiener Dog Nationals >>>>>>> no info
Level 33 Entertainment
30> Last Lullaby >>>>>>>>>>>>>> $50M
31> Blues 2012 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> no info
32> Divorce Invitation >>>>>>>>>> no info
33> Cadavar Christmas >>>>>>>>> no info
Intermedia Films
34> Bookies >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $8M
JorkWang Films (Alchemy )
35> Laddaland >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $6M
Funny How Films (Alchemy )
36> Amsterdam Heavy >>>>>>>>>> $1M
Alchemy Films
37> An American Crime >>>>>>>>>> tv showtime
38> The Babymakers >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $1M
39> Born Bad >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> no info
40> Broken 2012 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> no info
41> Broken Roads >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $1M
42> Chrome Angels >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $2M
43> The Contract >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $6M
44> Dance Fu >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> dvd
45> Deadline >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $1M
46> Eye See You >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $6M
47> Girl From the Naked Eye >>>>>>>>>> $1M
48> Good Day for It >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $2M
49> A Guide to Recognizing Your Saints > $2M
50> Gun Crazy 1992 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $1M
51> Accuse >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> dvd
52> As Good as Dead >>>>>>>>>>>> no info
53>The Assassin Next Door >>>>>>>>> $3M
54>Assault on Precinct 13 >>>>>>>>>> $35M
55>Bad Lieutenant: Port of Call New Orleans > $11M
56>Death Train >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> no info
57>Elephant White >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $11M
58> Hisss ... (Bollywood) >>>>>>>>>>> $10M
59>Transsiberian >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $6M
60>Trust >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $1M
61>Zombie Apocalypse >>>>>>>>>>>> dvd
Thunderstruck Studios
62> Thuderstruck 13 >>>>>>>>>>>>> no info
63>Ginger Snaps >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $1M
For JANUARY 2016 total 32 loaded for
$1.084 BILLION >
in JAN 2016 UF added a NEW Ad revenue stream by
advertising Video Game Trailers of which 14 are now on UF
Inception Media Group
1> Bordering on Bad Behavior >>>>> $2M
2> Sons of Liberty >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> TV
3> One Direction>Reaching for Stars pt1 > dvd
4> One Direction>Reaching for Stars pt2 > dvd
Paramount Pictures
5> Babel >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $136M
6> High and Mighty > John Wayne >>> $9M
7> Hunted 2013 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $46M
8> Gallopoli >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $12M
9> The Hunter >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $17M
10> Juice >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $20M
11> Lady Jane >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $18M
12> Let it Ride >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $5M
13> Like Crazy >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $4M
14> Marathon Man >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $29M
15> Mostly Martha >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $5M
16> My Side of the Mountain >>>>>>>> $2M
17> Roman Holiday >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $12M
18> South Park >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $83M
19> Stardust >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $136M
20> Super 8 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $260M
21> The Terminal >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $220M
22> Team America: World Police >>>>> $52M
Iron Dragon Pictures
23> Dragonwolf >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $5M
24>Kundo >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $7M
Millennium Pictures
25>Dead Within >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> dvd
Iron Hog Pictures
26> King of the Avenue >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $3M
Garlin Pictures
27> Relative Strangers >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> dvd
Victores International
28> Paris Jetaime >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $18M
Freeestyle Releasing
29> Dirty Deeds
Thunderstruck Studios
30> Thunderstruck part 11
31> Thunderstruck part 12
First Look ( Alchemy )
32> A little Trip to Heaven
$$$ 2.729 BILLION $$$ for 57 loaded
$$$ 6.544 BILLION $$$ for the 89+12 loaded
For OCTOBER 2015
$$$ 17.788 BILLION $$$ for the 115 loaded
$$ 12.581 BILLION $$$ for the 73 loaded
For December 2015 >
Iron Dragon Studios
1 > Special ID >>>>>>>>>>>>>> > $30M
2 > Wrath of Vajra >>>>>>>>>>>> $50M
3 > Badges of Fury >>>>>>>>>>>> $47M
4 > Eastern Bandits >>>>>>>>>>>> $25M
5 > Confession of a Murder >>>>>> $19M
6 > Chef, Actor, Scoundrel >>>>>>> $43M
A&E studios
9 > Sons of Liberty >>>>>>> 3 Part TV series
19 > Unreal 2015 >>>>>>>> 10 part TV series
20 > Screwed (2012)
21 > Whitney Houston ( TV Movie)
22 >The Secret Life of Marylin Monroe (4 hour Mini Series)
Inception Media Group
23 > Alien Battlefield >>>>>>>>> DVD
24 > Romeo and Juliet (2015, Broadway Stage Play)
25 > Silent But Deadly >>>>>>>> TV
26 > The Zombinator >>>>>>>> DVD
December 2015 PARAMOUNT Films >
27 > A New Leaf >>>>>>>>>>>>> $5M
28 > Angel Heart >>>>>>>>>>>> $17M
29 > Bad Boys Comedy 2 >>>>>> TV series
30 > Clue >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $15M
31 > Company Man >>>>>>>>>>> $1M
32 > Dragon Slayer >>>>>>>>>>> $14M
33 > Flesh and Bone >>>>>>>>>> $10M
34 > Flashback >>>>>>>>>>>>>> $7M
35 > Four Brothers >>>>>>>>>>>> $93M
36 > Heartburn >>>>>>>>>>>>>> $25M
37 > High Noon >>>>>>>>>>>>>> $12M
38 > Jennifer 8 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $12M
39 > Kiss the Girls >>>>>>>>>>>> $61M
40 > Liberty Valence >>>>>>>>>>> $8M
41 > Match Point >>>>>>>>>>>>>> $85M
42 > Mean Creek >>>>>>>>>>>>>> $1M
43 > Margot at the Wedding >>>>>> $3M
44 > Next >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $71M
45 > Night Falls >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $10M
46 > Night of Demons 2 >>>>>>>>> $2M
47 > Northfork >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $2M
48 > Nobodys Fool >>>>>>>>>>>> $40M
49 > Not Fade Away >>>>>>>>>>> $1M
50 > Nevada Smith>>>>>>>>>>>>> $7M
51 > Neil Young Heart of Gold >>>> $3M
52 > Ordinary People >>>>>>>>>> $55M
53 > Paulie >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $27M
54 > Primal Fear >>>>>>>>>>>>>> $103M
55 > The Parallax View >>>>>>>>> no info
56 > Mission Impossible ROGUE NATION $$$ 682M $$$
57 >TRANSFORMERS Age of Extinction > $$$ 1.1 BILLION $$$
Here are the NOV IRON DRAGON Titles>
1- For the Emperor >>>>>>>>> $10M
2 - Firestorm >>>>>>>>>>>>>> $56M
3 -Iceman >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $26M
4 -Killers 2014 >>>>>>>>>>>>> no info
5 - Kung Fu Killer >>>>>>>>>>> $23M
6 - The Pirates >>>>>>>>>>>>> $56M
7 - Once upon a time in Shanghai > no info
8 - Rigormortis >>>>>>>>>>>>> $17M
9 - The taking of Tiger Mountain > $150M
10 - Traffickers >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $12M
11 - Young Detective Dee >>>>>> $98M
12 - Vengeance of an Assassin >> $10M
Here are the NOV Titles> PARAMOUNTS
1 -Along Came a Spider >>>>>>>> $105M
2 -Almost Famous >>>>>>>>>>>>> $47M
3 - American Gigolo >>>>>>>>>>>> $23M
4 - Bad Boys Comedy Season 3 > ( TV Series )
5 - Bad Boys of Comedy Season 1 (TV Series)
6 - BarnYard >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $116M
7 - Beef >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> no info
8 - Beyond Borders>>>>>>>>>>>> $12M
9 - Bloody Sunday >>>>>>>>>>>>> $1M
10 - Carrie (1952) >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $2M
11 - Cousins >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $22M
12 - Catch 22 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $25M
13 - Changing Lanes >>>>>>>>>>>> $95M
14 - Chaplin >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $10M
15 - Childs Play >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $44M
16 - Children of a Lesser God >>>>> $31M
17 - Collateral >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $218M
18 - Coming To America >>>>>>>>> $288M
19 - The Contender >>>>>>>>>>>>> $22M
20 - The Core >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $74M
21 - Dark City >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> no info
22 - Death Wish >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $22M
23 - Disturbia >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $118M
24 - Donovans Reef >>>>>>>>>>>> $7M
25 - DreamGirls>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $154M
26 - The Doors >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $34M
27 - Eagle Eye >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $179M
28 - Election >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $15M
29 - Enduring Love >>>>>>>>>>>>> no info
30 - -Escape from NY >>>>>>>>>>>> $25M
31 - Evolution >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $80M
32 - EuroTrip >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $20M
33 - Faceoff >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $245M
34 - Falling in Love >>>>>>>>>>>>>> $12M
35 - First Wives >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $181M
36 - Flags of Our Fathers >>>>>>>>> $66M
37 - Flight >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $162M
38 - Freedom Writers >>>>>>>>>>>>> $43M
39 - Focus >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $158M
40 - Footloose 2011 >>>>>>>>>>>>> $63M
41 - Friends 1971 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> no info
42 - The Four Feathers (2002) >>>>> $30M
43 - Fun Size >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $11M
44 - The Fighter >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $129M
45 - The Generals Daughter >>>>>>> $150M
46 - Grease 2 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $15M
47 - Hansel & Gretel >>>>>>>>>>>>> $226M
48 - Harlem Nights >>>>>>>>>>>>>> $61M
49 - Hey Arnold >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $15M
50 - Heaven Can Wait >>>>>>>>>>> $82M
51 - Heart Break Kid >>>>>>>>>>>>> $128M
52 - House of Sand and Fog >>>>>>> $17M
53 - Hot Pursuit >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $4m
54 - Ivory Tower >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 100k
55 - The Honeymooners >>>>>>>>>> $13M
56 - The Hours >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $109M
57 - Jackass 3 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $170M
58 - Jackass 3.5 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> DVD
59 - Jackass Number Two >>>>>>>>> $85M
60 - Jackass Presents - Bad Grandpa > $151M
61 - Just Like Heaven >>>>>>>>>>>>> $103M
62 - Internal Affairs >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $28M
63 - K-19 Widowmaker >>>>>>>>>>>> $65M
64 -The Ladies Man (2000 >>>>>>>>> $14M
65 - The Last Castle >>>>>>>>>>>>> $28M
66 - The Last Tycoon >>>>>>>>>>>> $2M
67 - Leap of Faith >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $24M
68 - The Longest Yard 1974 >>>>>>> $43M
69 - Lovely Bones >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $94M
70 - Lucky Numbers >>>>>>>>>>>>> $11M
71 - Martin Lawrence Live >>>>>>>> $19M
72 - Mighty Heart >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $19M
73 - Mommie Dearest >>>>>>>>>>> $39M
74 - Morning Glory (2010 >>>>>>>>> $60M
75 - Naked Gun >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $217M
76 - Naked Gun 2 1/2 >>>>>>>>>>>> $86M
77 - Orange County >>>>>>>>>>>>> $43M
78 - The Out of Towners (1999) >>>> $29M
79 - Pain & Gain >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $96M
80 - Phantom of the Opera >1989>>> $4M
81 - Private Parts >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $41M
82 - Project X >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $102M
83 - The Rugrats >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $140M
84 - Staten Island Summer >>>>>>>> download
85 - Summer Rental >>>>>>>>>>>>> $25M
86 - The Talented Mr Ripley >>>>>>> $129M
87 -Terminator Genisys >>>>>>>>>>> $440M
88 - Zoolander >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $60M
89 - Wuthering Heights >1992>>>>>>>> no info
1 - 1492: Conquest of Paradise >>>>> $7M
2 - Area 51 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $1M
3 - Airplane II: The Sequel >>>>>>>>>$27M
4 - Another 48 Hrs. >>>>>>>>>>>>>> $153M
5 - Barbarella >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $6M
6 - Basic Instinct >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $352M
7 - Beverly Hills Cop III >>>>>>>>>>> $119M
8 - Black Rain >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $134M
9 - Blades of Glory >>>>>>>>>>>>>> $145M
10 - Boomerang >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $131M
11 - Breakfast At Tiffany >>>>>>>>>>> $14M
12 - Cirque Du Soliel >>>>>>>>>>>>>> $34M
13 - Chop Shop >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $1M
14 - Cloverfield >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $170M
15 - Clueless >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $56M
16 - Cujo >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $21M
17 - Crazy People >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $13M
18 - Deep Impact >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $349M
19 - Dinner for Shmucks >>>>>>>>>> $86M
20 - Drunk Wedding >>>>>>>>>>>>> 330K
21 - Elephant Man >>>>>>>>>>>>>> $26M
22 - Enemy at the Gates >>>>>>>>>> $97M
23 - Escape From Alcatraz >>>>>>>> $43M
24 - Event Horizon >>>>>>>>>>>>>> $47M
25 - Eddie Murphy Raw >>>>>>>>>> $50M
26 - Failure to Launch >>>>>>>>>>>>$128M
27 -Fatal Attraction >>>>>>>>>>>>>> $320M
28 - The Firm >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $270M
29 - First Blood >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $125M
30 - Flashdance >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $201M
31 - Friday the 13th - Part V ->>>>>>> $21M
32 - Friday the 13th = Part VIII - >>>>>$14M
33 - The Gambler 1974 >>>>>>>>>>> no info
34 - The Gift >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $53M
35 - The Great Gatsby 1974 >>>>>>> $351M
36 - Galaxy Quest >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $91M
37 - Good Kill >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $1M
38 - Graveyard Shift >>>>>>>>>>>>>> $11M
39 - GHOST >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $505M
40 - How to lose a Man in 10 Days >> $177M
41 - The Haunting >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $177M
42 - I love You Man >>>>>>>>>>>>> $91M
43 - Into the Wild >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $56M
44 - Indecent Proposal >>>>>>>>>>>> $266M
45 - Invasion of the Body Snachers >>> $3M
46 - The Italian Job (2003) >>>>>>>>> $176M
47 -Jack Reacher >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $218M
48 - Jacobs Ladder >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $26M
49 - Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit >>>>> $135M
50 - Jimmy Neutron Boy Genius >>>>>> $103M
51 - The Haunting >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $177M
52 - Katy Perry Part of Me >>>>>>>>>>>$32M
53 - Kingpin >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $25M
54 - King Kong >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>$90M
55 The Kite Runner >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $73M
56 - Lara Croft Tomb Raider >>>>>>>>> $274M
57 - Lara Croft Cradle of Life >>>>>>>>> $156M
58 - The Legend of Bagger Vance >>>>>> $39M
59 - Lemony Snickets Unfortunate Events >$209M
60 - The Longest Yard (2005) >>>>>>>>> $190M
61 - The Love Guru >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $40M
62 - Love, Rosie >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $4M
63 -The Machinist >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $8M
64 - Manchurian Candidate >>>>>>>>>>> $8M
65 - Mean Girls >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $129M
66 - The Mexican >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $147M
67 - Mission Impossible - Ghost Protocol > $694M
68 - Mission Impossible II >>>>>>>>>>>> $546M
69 - Mission Impossible III >>>>>>>>>>>> $397M
70 - No Strings Attached >>>>>>>>>>>>> $149M
71 - A Night at the Roxbury >>>>>>>>>>> $30M
72 - The Odd Couple >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $18M
73 - Officer and a Gentleman >>>>>>>>>> $129M
74 - Old School >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $87M
75 - Over the Top >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $16M
76 - Paranormal Activity >>>>>>>>>>>>>> $193M
77 - Paranormal Activity 4 >>>>>>>>>>>> $142M
78 - Paranormal Activity - The Marked Ones >$90M
79 - Pretty in Pink >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>$40M
80 - Project Almanac >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $32M
81 - Rainmaker >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $45M
82 - Rambo III >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $161M
83 - Resident Advisors - Episode 1
84 - Resident Advisors - Episode 2
85 - Resident Advisors - Episode 3
86 - Resident Advisors - Episode 4
87- Resident Advisors - Episode 5
88 - Resident Advisors - Episode 6
89 - Resident Advisors - Episode 7
89 - Red Eye >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $95M
90 - The Ring >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $249M
91 - The Ring II >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $189M
92 - Road Trip >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $119M
93 - Road Trip Beer Pong >>>>> direct to dvd
94 - Rosemays Baby >>>>>>>>>>>>> $33M
95 - Rules of Engagement >>>>>>> $71M
96 - Running Man >>>>>>>>>>>>> $38M
97 - Saving Private Ryan >>>>>>>> $481M
98 - Silver Bullet >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $12M
99 - Staying Alive >>>>>>>>>>>>>> $64M
100 - The Score >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $113M
101 - The Saint >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $169M
102 - Saturday Night Fever >>>>>> $237M
103- Seabiscuit >>>>>>>>>>>>>> $148M
104 - Tales from the Dark Side >>> $16M
105 - Titanic >>>>>>>>>>> $$$ $2.187 BILLION $$$
106- Tommy Boy >>>>>>>>>>>>>> $32M
107 - Top Secret! >>>>>>>>>>>>> $ 20M
108 - Trading Places>>>>>>>>>>>>$90M
109 - Transformers >>>>>>>>>>>>> $ 709M
110 - Transformers Revenge of Fallen $836M
111 - Transformers Dark of the Moon > $$$ 1.1 BILLION $$$
112- Tropic Thunder >>>>>>>>>> $ 188M
113 - Up in Smoke >>>>>>>>>>>>> $44M
114 - Waynes World >>>>>>>>>>>> $183M
115 - World War Z >>>>>>>>>>>>> $ 540M
Here are the 73 for SEPTEMBER ... PAARAMOUNTS
1 - 48 Hrs. >>>>>>>>>>>>> $78M
2 - AEon Flux >>>>>>>>>>> $52M
3 - The African Queen >>>> $10M
4 - Airplane! >>>>>>>>>>>> $130
5 - American Beauty >>>>>> $356
6 - Anchorman >>>>>>>>>> $90M
7 - Beowulf >>>>>>>>>>>>> $196M
8 - Beverly Hills Cop >>>>>> $316M
9 - Beverly Hills Cop II >>>>> $299M
10 - Black Sheep >>>>>>>>> $32M
11 - Bloodsport >>>>>>>>>> $65M
12 - Braveheart >>>>>>>>>> $210M
13 - Case 39 >>>>>>>>>>>>> $28M
14 - Catch Me if You Can >>>> $352M
15 - Chinatown >>>>>>>>>>>> $30M
16 - Clear and Present Danger > $215M
17 - Clouds of Sils Maria >>>>> $5M
18 - Coneheads >>>>>>>>>>> $21M
19 - Crocodile Dundee >>>>>>>> $512M
20 - Crocodile Dundee II >>>>>>> $239M
21 - The Curious Case of Benjamin Button > $333M
22 - Days of Thunder >>>>>>>>>>> $157M
23 - Defiance >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $56M
24 - The Dictator >>>>>>>>>>>>>> $179M
25 - Ferris Bueller's Day Off >>>>>> $70M
26 - Footloose (1984) >>>>>>>>>> $80M
27 - Forrest Gump >>>>>>>>>>>>> $677M
28 - Friday the 13th >>>>>>>>>>>> $59M
29 - Friday the 13th - Part II >>>>>> $21M
30 - Friday the 13th - Part III >>>>>> $36M
31 - Friday the 13th - Part IV - The Final Chapter > $32
32 - Friday the 13th - Part VI - Jason Lives >>>>>> $18M
33 - Friday the 13th - Part VII - The New Blood >>> $19M
34 - The Gambler >>>>>>>>>>>>> $39M
35 - Gladiator >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $457M
36 - The Godfather >>>>>>>>>>>> $245M
37 - The Godfather Part II >>>>>>> $47M
38 - The Godfather Part III >>>>>>> $136M
39 - Grease >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $394M
40 - Hugo >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $189M
41 - The Hunt for Red October >>>> $200M
42 - An Inconvenient Truth >>>>>>> $49M
43 - The Island >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $162M
44 - Minority Report >>>>>>>>>>>> $358M
45 - Mission Impossible >>>>>>>>> $457M
46 - Paranormal Activity 2 >>>>>>> $177M
47 - Paranormal Activity 3 >>>>>>> $207M
48 - Patriot Games >>>>>>>>>>>>> $178M
49 - Pet Sematary >>>>>>>>>>>>>> $57M
50 - Pet Sematary 2 >>>>>>>>>>>>> $17M
51 - Planes, Trains and Automobiles >>>>>>> $49M
52 - Selma >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $66M
53 - Shutter Island >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $294M
54 - Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow >> $58M
55 - The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie >>>>> $140M
56 - SpongeBob Movie - Sponge Out of Water > $311M
57 - Star Trek (2009) >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $385M
58 - Star Trek - The Motion Picture >>>>>>>>>> $139M
59 - Star Trek II - The Wrath of Khan >>>>>>>>> $97M
60 - Star Trek III - The Search for Spock >>>>>> $87M
61 - Star Trek IV - The Voyage Home >>>>>>>> $133M
62 - Star Trek V - The Final Frontier >>>>>>>>> $63M
63 - Star Trek VI - The Undiscovered Country >> $96M
64 - Star Trek - Generations >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $118M
65 - Star Trek - Into Darkness >>>>>>>>>>>>>> $467M
66 - Star Trek - First Contact >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $146M
67 - Star Trek - Insurrection >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $112M
68 - Star Trek - Nemesis >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $67M
69 - Terminator 2 - Judgement Day >>>>>>>>>> $519M
70 - Top Gun >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $356M
71 - The Truman Show >>>>>>>> $264M
72 - The Untouchables >>>>>>>> $106M
73 - Up in the Air >>>>>>>>>>>> $166M

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