That makes sense as I was writing a bit of a book.
The audit, it turns out was not the fault of managent, they were led to believe it was giong
to happen by former shell owner Fotis. The guy is a bit of a snake, he kept promising them he
would get them the information while doing a bunch of illegal things (dumping rsstricted
shares and other stuff). Anyway, those days are over.
Now, the ocmpany has their two years of performance from which to conduct the audit. And they
punished themselves pretty good by retiring 20,000,000 shares for not hitting their performane
targets. A rarity with pinks.
If this stock isn't climbing past $0.10 after the first quarter is announced April/May then it needs
another look at why. For now, they deserve the benefit of the doubt, they are taking the high
road & looking to do everything right in my view. I like this stock at this price.