Posted On: 03/24/2016 9:21:43 AM
Post# of 7798

Re: To the Moon #1806
2 weeks and 2 hours from now, Kyle, Craig, and ClearTrust get to go back in front of the same Judge.
Funny how an admitted lender and Huffman's account don't jive when it comes to the recollection of the 12-1 hearing.
I thought the Defendant's Motion's weren't heard, at least that's what a lender said. And wasn't the defendant suppose to be in jail by April 2nd?
Now here's Huffman account. Looks like a lender, oh I mean a PIPE investor, and Huffman need to get their stories straight. I wonder which one will be told on April 7th.
Please note: Just because posts get deleted doesn't mean they are gone forever. And most of the posts by the Defendant were positive about SFRX, that was until Kyle broke the trust the Defendant had in him and this POS company. And the Defendant posted less than 3500 posts. Over 2000 of those were POSITIVE about SFRX. He only went negative the first week in August 2014. His first attacks, if you will were "agin" the advertising agency, not the company. He was still taking up for the company on 8-8-14.
Funny how an admitted lender and Huffman's account don't jive when it comes to the recollection of the 12-1 hearing.
I thought the Defendant's Motion's weren't heard, at least that's what a lender said. And wasn't the defendant suppose to be in jail by April 2nd?
Tuesday, 12/01/15 06:45:42 PM
Re: Renard post# 45207
Post #
of 45216 Go
Answers short, as I'm on a project ... and hopefully a pretty close interpretation of today's events.
Motions by defendant were not discussed today . Judge said defendant could talk to plaintiff's lawyer, but judge did not want to hear them today. The $7 man was angering the judge because he was so unspecific. Things like "they have to give that to me. it is a law." "Really" said the judge? "Please quote me that law". "It is an SEC law" "Really? Again quote me that law" "The law says they have to give it to me" One more time Mr V___, don't tell me it IS a law. I want you to QUOTE me this law, or give me its number, because I know of no law for what you are asking" "Well ... it's a law, and they have to give it to me." was the frustrated response. Answers like that made the judge stop all defendants "motions" and say he was not going to hear them. Here's another one. By the way, I use quotes to show talk and to separate each one, but it may or may not be word for word. hard to get it exact, since I do not have a recording of it. That's why I say in March maybe I'll try to get it recorded on tape if that is legal. smile
"No your honor, it was a pump and dump scheme. His family dumped stock" "And do you have proof of that?" "No, My Kennedy won't give me the proof. But I know it" "HOw?" Just because I know it." "Mr HUffman, the company has to file a form if one of his family members sells stock, do they not?" Yes your honor." "Have there been any filings?" "No your honor, there have been no filings and no selling by any family member." "Okay, so Mr V___, why do you still say his family members have sold stock?" "Because I just know it your honor. I just can't prove it."
Things like that don't go over well with a judge, who stated that "in my courtroom, we follow the rule of law. Not just 'because I say so' statements."
This coming March will be another courtroom event. For contempt AND damages, both in one day.
there is more, but I can't write it now. I also thought it interesting that I think I heard that out of the 40,000 posts (At that time) put on this board over an 8 year period, over 10,000 were by defendant, all put up in a short few month period of time. I forget how many months. Shows how he was going crazy posting. I remember post after post after post by him, answering his own posts and just dominating the board making everyone feel bad if they wanted to invest in this company. Glad he is gone. Anyway, the "motions" were not an issue today, and in march I personally think things are going to go from bad to worse for this person. My guess at this point is a rare JAIL or prison time for this man. Not normal for libel or defamation cases, but I guess that's for the contempt charge. Timeline? March he goes to court. Told jail time coming. April 1 is a bad day, since it is April Fool's day. maybe April 2nd he goes to jail. A fitting day. Celebrate Fool's one day, and put away a fool the next. April 2nd. Hopefully we'll be diving on found treasure by then TOO.
Now here's Huffman account. Looks like a lender, oh I mean a PIPE investor, and Huffman need to get their stories straight. I wonder which one will be told on April 7th.
Please note: Just because posts get deleted doesn't mean they are gone forever. And most of the posts by the Defendant were positive about SFRX, that was until Kyle broke the trust the Defendant had in him and this POS company. And the Defendant posted less than 3500 posts. Over 2000 of those were POSITIVE about SFRX. He only went negative the first week in August 2014. His first attacks, if you will were "agin" the advertising agency, not the company. He was still taking up for the company on 8-8-14.
buccaneer1961 Member Level Friday, 08/08/14 01:53:12 AM
Re: None
Post #
of 46379 Go
its the scam the advertising agency does that's the problem,running a pump/dump scam, the company is innocent at this point

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