No Structure or plan? Well according to the SAIC report, even with less than optimal up time and output. A single 3 processor cluster pays for itself in about 6 months.
That sounds like a slam dunk to me. Please enlighten us about the specific projects you are involved with that have a similar rate of return. (edit : and that have had a similar peer review by a firm with SAIC's credentials.)
I have worked with many professional engineering and project management companies over 20+ years. You are completely incorrect about project management being a transferable skill.
There are many different project management disciplines, most are very specialized and take a considerable amount of time and experience to master. Your description of PM and Engineering is vague and generalized.
The Long Lead Time Items, that you claim should take a year or more to procure is more pure fantasy. We're not talking about the containment vessel for a nuke reactor. It gas Gas Fired, Heavy Duty Rotary Kiln that fits on the back of a LOW BOY, Get it?