Posted On: 03/22/2016 9:03:45 AM
Post# of 1023

A bunch of stuff, thoughts, ramblings, etc..
Newer stuff
Go here
search ‘wavstat4’
click ‘WavSTAT4 Optical Biopsy System® for colorectal cancer diagnosis’ link
Notice it was just updated 7 months ago
Notice it says Stage of EAA: Assessment Complete
To read the entire thing, you would have to ‘Download Attachments’
Also a few notes..
Someone else just mentioned this yesterday (nice job), but its good to reiterate:
Don’t forget, SCIE has developed a “rack-mounted” version of the Wavstat4 which is smaller and more compact. This version was “met with overwhelming acceptance by our customers,” said Michael Oliver
The best part about this PR is that it says the WavSTAT works with ALL major manufacturers endoscopes. As was mentioned in a previous post, talking about a buyout right now is ridiculous, but knowing SCIEs technology is cross-compatible with the competitors, it would make it easier for an acquisition/buyout to occur. My opinion is that any buyout would come from PENTAX seeing they already have the infrastructure set up for the WavSTAT.
The WavSTAT4 can be seen on PENTAX's website for spain, the united kingdom, Germany, Italy and another country I cant remember right now. But the wavstat4 is NOT shown on the USA PENTAX website because just like SCIE said, they are selling the product to Europe FIRST and then America. once we see the wavstat4 showing up on the USA website, we'll know something big is about to happen.
In addition, information from the December 2015 PR:
SAN DIEGO, CA--(Marketwired - December 08, 2015) - SpectraScience, Inc. (OTCQB: SCIE),announced today that in a presentation at United European Gastroenterology Week (UEGW) by Dr. Timo Rath of the University of Erlangen, the WavSTAT4 Optical Biopsy System(R) was once again found to exceed the clinical guidelines adopted by EU and US medical societies for the diagnosis of small and diminutive colorectal polyps during screening colonoscopies.
From what I gather, the company is well beyond figuring out whether or not the product works. The natural next step would be to sell the product, which SCIE has been working on by setting up their distribution channels. Obviously, these channels aren’t built over night, and can take years. Fortunately, we are now in the 4th year of setting these up, which is why it makes sense (at least to me) that we should be seeing sales soon. The great thing about SCIE, is unlike many other pennystocks, SCIE has a product. Not only that, the product has been tested for several years and is shown to work effectively. Not only that, its been used countless times in trials around the world. We have distribution centers in Europe and Spain (PENTAX in Spain bought out SIMMEDICA years ago. This is mentioned in several previous posts if youre interested. Theres even a picture of the building with the words PENTAX/SIMMEDICA on the front).
Years ago, there was so much interest in the WavSTAT that SCIE had to cancel their conference in order to accommodate more people.
Back in 2009, investors were willing to pay .45 cents and more per share. I see this happening again with the right news. Its important for me to remember that many people out there have a LOT more money than I do, and it is not a problem for them to purchase shares at $2 or more each. Many investors refuse to buy pennystocks in the first place.
I believe the time has come for investors to read news of sales; hopefully in this 10K on march 30th, but if not, within this year. Even if there are no sales, I personally see no reason why the PPS cant continue to climb because I am sure the company will continue to release PRs as they have done since the beginning.
Its undeniable the chart’s trend is moving up. The Elder Impulse, yet again, added yet another green day, despite having red days in the past. The previous post shows a continual upward trend as well.
Investor sentiment is growing, the naysayers are showing up more and more each day, SCIE just acquired another company which means some form of PR will come out about the progress.
We had the Arab conference where more than likely SCIE made business connections (the picture of the three people at the conference shows 2 people who were possibly interested buyers).
All of this and more we know about, which makes me wonder about the things we don’t know about yet.
Just last year, SCIE entered into a distribution agreement with JAGWorldwide to introduce the Wavstat to the middle east. We have our distribution with PENTAX as well.
Currently underway, SCIE is working on making the wavstat compatible for detecting bladder lesions which opens whole new doors of possibilities.
We know the Wavstat has been in europe since 2012 (and probably before this). Despite what naysayers may want us to think, 4 years is not that long ago for the medical field. Would you want something up your buttock that was tested for only a year? I know I wouldn’t.
We know without a doubt, SCIE has had sales, and not tiny sales like many other pennystocks ranging from $800 to $50,000. SCIE had sales of $310,000 and $150,000 in the past. Reasons for the decline in sales includes the need for funding, which they worked on, ongoing trials, waiting on PMA approvals, etc etc.
Sales and profits are the goals and we cant have either unless the company first builds a strong foundation. I believe this foundation has been set and it is now time to move upward.
As for any debt SCIE may still have, I believe within the next 3 years this company will be debt free; or if they have debt, it will be good debt which means 'it takes money to make money'. in all, I believe the sales of the WavSTAT4 in the long run is going to obliterate their debt. Seeing they made $310,000 profit back in 2012, this number could probably be quadrupled or more when sales begin again.
Not investment advice. Go talk to your investment advisor.
Newer stuff
Go here
search ‘wavstat4’
click ‘WavSTAT4 Optical Biopsy System® for colorectal cancer diagnosis’ link
Notice it was just updated 7 months ago
Notice it says Stage of EAA: Assessment Complete
To read the entire thing, you would have to ‘Download Attachments’
Also a few notes..
Someone else just mentioned this yesterday (nice job), but its good to reiterate:
Don’t forget, SCIE has developed a “rack-mounted” version of the Wavstat4 which is smaller and more compact. This version was “met with overwhelming acceptance by our customers,” said Michael Oliver
The best part about this PR is that it says the WavSTAT works with ALL major manufacturers endoscopes. As was mentioned in a previous post, talking about a buyout right now is ridiculous, but knowing SCIEs technology is cross-compatible with the competitors, it would make it easier for an acquisition/buyout to occur. My opinion is that any buyout would come from PENTAX seeing they already have the infrastructure set up for the WavSTAT.
The WavSTAT4 can be seen on PENTAX's website for spain, the united kingdom, Germany, Italy and another country I cant remember right now. But the wavstat4 is NOT shown on the USA PENTAX website because just like SCIE said, they are selling the product to Europe FIRST and then America. once we see the wavstat4 showing up on the USA website, we'll know something big is about to happen.
In addition, information from the December 2015 PR:
SAN DIEGO, CA--(Marketwired - December 08, 2015) - SpectraScience, Inc. (OTCQB: SCIE),announced today that in a presentation at United European Gastroenterology Week (UEGW) by Dr. Timo Rath of the University of Erlangen, the WavSTAT4 Optical Biopsy System(R) was once again found to exceed the clinical guidelines adopted by EU and US medical societies for the diagnosis of small and diminutive colorectal polyps during screening colonoscopies.
From what I gather, the company is well beyond figuring out whether or not the product works. The natural next step would be to sell the product, which SCIE has been working on by setting up their distribution channels. Obviously, these channels aren’t built over night, and can take years. Fortunately, we are now in the 4th year of setting these up, which is why it makes sense (at least to me) that we should be seeing sales soon. The great thing about SCIE, is unlike many other pennystocks, SCIE has a product. Not only that, the product has been tested for several years and is shown to work effectively. Not only that, its been used countless times in trials around the world. We have distribution centers in Europe and Spain (PENTAX in Spain bought out SIMMEDICA years ago. This is mentioned in several previous posts if youre interested. Theres even a picture of the building with the words PENTAX/SIMMEDICA on the front).
Years ago, there was so much interest in the WavSTAT that SCIE had to cancel their conference in order to accommodate more people.
Back in 2009, investors were willing to pay .45 cents and more per share. I see this happening again with the right news. Its important for me to remember that many people out there have a LOT more money than I do, and it is not a problem for them to purchase shares at $2 or more each. Many investors refuse to buy pennystocks in the first place.
I believe the time has come for investors to read news of sales; hopefully in this 10K on march 30th, but if not, within this year. Even if there are no sales, I personally see no reason why the PPS cant continue to climb because I am sure the company will continue to release PRs as they have done since the beginning.
Its undeniable the chart’s trend is moving up. The Elder Impulse, yet again, added yet another green day, despite having red days in the past. The previous post shows a continual upward trend as well.
Investor sentiment is growing, the naysayers are showing up more and more each day, SCIE just acquired another company which means some form of PR will come out about the progress.
We had the Arab conference where more than likely SCIE made business connections (the picture of the three people at the conference shows 2 people who were possibly interested buyers).
All of this and more we know about, which makes me wonder about the things we don’t know about yet.
Just last year, SCIE entered into a distribution agreement with JAGWorldwide to introduce the Wavstat to the middle east. We have our distribution with PENTAX as well.
Currently underway, SCIE is working on making the wavstat compatible for detecting bladder lesions which opens whole new doors of possibilities.
We know the Wavstat has been in europe since 2012 (and probably before this). Despite what naysayers may want us to think, 4 years is not that long ago for the medical field. Would you want something up your buttock that was tested for only a year? I know I wouldn’t.
We know without a doubt, SCIE has had sales, and not tiny sales like many other pennystocks ranging from $800 to $50,000. SCIE had sales of $310,000 and $150,000 in the past. Reasons for the decline in sales includes the need for funding, which they worked on, ongoing trials, waiting on PMA approvals, etc etc.
Sales and profits are the goals and we cant have either unless the company first builds a strong foundation. I believe this foundation has been set and it is now time to move upward.
As for any debt SCIE may still have, I believe within the next 3 years this company will be debt free; or if they have debt, it will be good debt which means 'it takes money to make money'. in all, I believe the sales of the WavSTAT4 in the long run is going to obliterate their debt. Seeing they made $310,000 profit back in 2012, this number could probably be quadrupled or more when sales begin again.
Not investment advice. Go talk to your investment advisor.

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