AS A PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT - to all BCAP investors. Kilo did this a few weeks ago over on the schlub. I know I am speaking to the choir mostly here, but just in the interest of any new investors that may not be aware of what I am going to say.
With possible pending events from our company and the reported large short position in our stock, we can go a long way to help ourselves when buying pressure arrives and increased volume.
If you hold BCAP shares in a "cash" trading account you can "lock up" your shares by starting a sale order, set for "all or nothing", make it "good until filled" or whatever term your broker uses. Place the sale price "very high" whatever you deem that to be. Personally I set mine for .05 and will gladly take that for mine.
If you have your shares in a "margin account" I am told this won't work.
The reason we do this if you are not familiar with the approach is MM's borrow shares ( a nice term to use your own shares against you) to short. If your shares are commited in a cash account in a pending order, they cannot borrow them. This keeps them from using them against us on any run up.
I mention this again as from the casual conversation on the board that the folks here I believe hold at least "half the A/S or more". That of course is significant and we can greatly help ourselves in the occurance of a very positive material event.
Plesase consider this as we are helping ourselves and is one of the few things we can do to thwart those MM practices.